Commit bffe1340 authored by olivier R-D's avatar olivier R-D

initial copy_node implementation and cleanup of instanciate

parent f88dce0d
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ from opcua.client.client import Client
from opcua.server.server import Server
from opcua.server.event_generator import EventGenerator
from opcua.common.instantiate import instantiate
from opcua.common.copy import copy_node
from opcua import ua
from opcua import Node
def copy_node(parent, node, nodeid=None, idx=0, recursive=True):
Copy a node or node tree as child of parent node
print("Copying", node, "into ", parent, "in idx", idx)
rdesc = _rdesc_from_node(parent, node)
if nodeid is None:
nodeid = ua.NodeId(namespaceidx=idx) # will trigger automatic node generation in namespace idx
added_nodeids = _copy_node(parent.server, parent.nodeid, rdesc, nodeid, recursive)
return [Node(parent.server, nid) for nid in added_nodeids]
def _copy_node(server, parent_nodeid, rdesc, nodeid, recursive):
addnode = ua.AddNodesItem()
addnode.RequestedNewNodeId = nodeid
addnode.BrowseName = rdesc.BrowseName
addnode.ParentNodeId = parent_nodeid
addnode.ReferenceTypeId = rdesc.ReferenceTypeId
addnode.TypeDefinition = rdesc.TypeDefinition
addnode.NodeClass = rdesc.NodeClass
node_type = Node(server, rdesc.NodeId)
attrObj = getattr(ua, + "Attributes")
print("attrObj" is attrObj)
_read_and_copy_attrs(node_type, attrObj(), addnode)
res = server.add_nodes([addnode])[0]
print("Added result", res)
added_nodes = [res.AddedNodeId]
if recursive:
descs = node_type.get_children_descriptions()
for desc in descs:
nodes = _copy_node(server, res.AddedNodeId, desc, nodeid=ua.NodeId(namespaceidx=res.AddedNodeId.NamespaceIndex), recursive=recursive)
return added_nodes
def _rdesc_from_node(parent, node):
results = node.get_attributes([ua.AttributeIds.NodeClass, ua.AttributeIds.BrowseName, ua.AttributeIds.DisplayName])
nclass, qname, dname = [res.Value.Value for res in results]
rdesc = ua.ReferenceDescription()
rdesc.NodeId = node.nodeid
rdesc.BrowseName = qname
rdesc.DisplayName = dname
rdesc.NodeClass = nclass
if parent.get_type_definition() == ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.FolderType):
rdesc.ReferenceTypeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Organizes)
rdesc.ReferenceTypeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent)
rdesc.TypeDefinition = node.nodeid
return rdesc
def _read_and_copy_attrs(node_type, struct, addnode):
names = [name for name in struct.__dict__.keys() if not name.startswith("_") and name not in ("BodyLength", "TypeId", "SpecifiedAttributes", "Encoding", "IsAbstract", "EventNotifier")]
attrs = [getattr(ua.AttributeIds, name) for name in names]
for name in names:
results = node_type.get_attributes(attrs)
for idx, name in enumerate(names):
if results[idx].StatusCode.is_good():
if name == "Value":
setattr(struct, name, results[idx].Value)
setattr(struct, name, results[idx].Value.Value)
print("Instantiate: while copying attributes from node type %s, attribute %s, statuscode is %s" % (node_type, name, results[idx].StatusCode))
addnode.NodeAttributes = struct
......@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ Instantiate a new node and its child nodes from a node type.
from opcua import Node
from opcua import ua
from opcua.common import ua_utils
from opcua.common import ua_utils
from opcua.common.copy import _rdesc_from_node, _read_and_copy_attrs
def instantiate(parent, node_type, nodeid=None, bname=None, idx=0):
......@@ -15,20 +16,8 @@ def instantiate(parent, node_type, nodeid=None, bname=None, idx=0):
If they exists children of the node type, such as components, variables and
properties are also instantiated
rdesc = _rdesc_from_node(parent, node_type)
results = node_type.get_attributes([ua.AttributeIds.NodeClass, ua.AttributeIds.BrowseName, ua.AttributeIds.DisplayName])
nclass, qname, dname = [res.Value.Value for res in results]
rdesc = ua.ReferenceDescription()
rdesc.NodeId = node_type.nodeid
rdesc.BrowseName = qname
rdesc.DisplayName = dname
rdesc.NodeClass = nclass
if parent.get_type_definition() == ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.FolderType):
rdesc.ReferenceTypeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.Organizes)
rdesc.ReferenceTypeId = ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.HasComponent)
rdesc.TypeDefinition = node_type.nodeid
if nodeid is None:
nodeid = ua.NodeId(namespaceidx=idx) # will trigger automatic node generation in namespace idx
if bname is None:
......@@ -36,14 +25,21 @@ def instantiate(parent, node_type, nodeid=None, bname=None, idx=0):
elif isinstance(bname, str):
bname = ua.QualifiedName.from_string(bname)
return _instantiate_node(parent.server, parent.nodeid, rdesc, nodeid, bname)
nodeids = _instantiate_node(parent.server, parent.nodeid, rdesc, nodeid, bname)
return [Node(parent.server, nid) for nid in nodeids]
def _instantiate_node(server, parentid, rdesc, nodeid, bname, recursive=True):
instantiate a node type under parent
node_type = Node(server, rdesc.NodeId)
refs = node_type.get_referenced_nodes(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasModellingRule)
# skip optional elements
if len(refs) == 1 and refs[0].nodeid == ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.ModellingRule_Optional):
return []
addnode = ua.AddNodesItem()
addnode.RequestedNewNodeId = nodeid
addnode.BrowseName = bname
......@@ -51,55 +47,35 @@ def _instantiate_node(server, parentid, rdesc, nodeid, bname, recursive=True):
addnode.ReferenceTypeId = rdesc.ReferenceTypeId
addnode.TypeDefinition = rdesc.TypeDefinition
node_type = Node(server, rdesc.NodeId)
refs = node_type.get_referenced_nodes(refs=ua.ObjectIds.HasModellingRule)
# skip optional elements
if not(len(refs) == 1 and refs[0].nodeid == ua.NodeId(ua.ObjectIds.ModellingRule_Optional) ):
if rdesc.NodeClass in (ua.NodeClass.Object, ua.NodeClass.ObjectType):
addnode.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Object
_read_and_copy_attrs(node_type, ua.ObjectAttributes(), addnode)
if rdesc.NodeClass in (ua.NodeClass.Object, ua.NodeClass.ObjectType):
addnode.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Object
_read_and_copy_attrs(node_type, ua.ObjectAttributes(), addnode)
elif rdesc.NodeClass in (ua.NodeClass.Variable, ua.NodeClass.VariableType):
addnode.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Variable
_read_and_copy_attrs(node_type, ua.VariableAttributes(), addnode)
elif rdesc.NodeClass in (ua.NodeClass.Method,):
addnode.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Method
_read_and_copy_attrs(node_type, ua.MethodAttributes(), addnode)
print("Instantiate: Node class not supported: ", rdesc.NodeClass)
res = server.add_nodes([addnode])[0]
if recursive:
parents = ua_utils.get_node_supertypes(node_type, includeitself = True)
node = Node(server, res.AddedNodeId)
for parent in parents:
descs = parent.get_children_descriptions(includesubtypes=False)
for c_rdesc in descs:
# skip items that already exists, prefer the 'lowest' one in object hierarchy
if not ua_utils.is_child_present(node, c_rdesc.BrowseName):
_instantiate_node(server, res.AddedNodeId, c_rdesc, nodeid=ua.NodeId(namespaceidx=res.AddedNodeId.NamespaceIndex), bname=c_rdesc.BrowseName)
return Node(server, res.AddedNodeId)
elif rdesc.NodeClass in (ua.NodeClass.Variable, ua.NodeClass.VariableType):
addnode.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Variable
_read_and_copy_attrs(node_type, ua.VariableAttributes(), addnode)
elif rdesc.NodeClass in (ua.NodeClass.Method,):
addnode.NodeClass = ua.NodeClass.Method
_read_and_copy_attrs(node_type, ua.MethodAttributes(), addnode)
return None
print("Instantiate: Node class not supported: ", rdesc.NodeClass)
res = server.add_nodes([addnode])[0]
added_nodes = [res.AddedNodeId]
if recursive:
parents = ua_utils.get_node_supertypes(node_type, includeitself=True)
node = Node(server, res.AddedNodeId)
for parent in parents:
descs = parent.get_children_descriptions(includesubtypes=False)
for c_rdesc in descs:
# skip items that already exists, prefer the 'lowest' one in object hierarchy
if not ua_utils.is_child_present(node, c_rdesc.BrowseName):
nodeids = _instantiate_node(server, res.AddedNodeId, c_rdesc, nodeid=ua.NodeId(namespaceidx=res.AddedNodeId.NamespaceIndex), bname=c_rdesc.BrowseName)
print("RETURNING", added_nodes)
return added_nodes
def _read_and_copy_attrs(node_type, struct, addnode):
names = [name for name in struct.__dict__.keys() if not name.startswith("_") and name not in ("BodyLength", "TypeId", "SpecifiedAttributes", "Encoding", "IsAbstract", "EventNotifier")]
attrs = [getattr(ua.AttributeIds, name) for name in names]
for name in names:
results = node_type.get_attributes(attrs)
for idx, name in enumerate(names):
if results[idx].StatusCode.is_good():
if name == "Value":
setattr(struct, name, results[idx].Value)
setattr(struct, name, results[idx].Value.Value)
print("Instantiate: while copying attributes from node type %s, attribute %s, statuscode is %s" % (node_type, name, results[idx].StatusCode))
addnode.NodeAttributes = struct
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def create_object(parent, nodeid, bname, objecttype=None):
nodeid, qname = _parse_nodeid_qname(nodeid, bname)
if objecttype is not None:
objecttype = node.Node(parent.server, objecttype)
return instantiate(parent, objecttype, nodeid, bname)
return instantiate(parent, objecttype, nodeid, bname)[0]
return node.Node(parent.server, _create_object(parent.server, parent.nodeid, nodeid, qname, ua.ObjectIds.BaseObjectType))
......@@ -551,7 +551,8 @@ class CommonTests(object):
ctrl_t = dev_t.add_object(0, "controller")
prop_t = ctrl_t.add_property(0, "state", "Running")
mydevice = instantiate(self.opc.nodes.objects, dev_t, bname="2:Device0001")
nodes = instantiate(self.opc.nodes.objects, dev_t, bname="2:Device0001")
mydevice = nodes[0]
self.assertEqual(mydevice.get_type_definition(), dev_t.nodeid)
obj = mydevice.get_child(["0:controller"])
......@@ -565,7 +566,8 @@ class CommonTests(object):
v_t = devd_t.add_variable(0, "childparam", 1.0)
p_t = devd_t.add_property(0, "sensorx_id", "0340")
mydevicederived = instantiate(self.opc.nodes.objects, devd_t, bname="2:Device0002")
nodes = instantiate(self.opc.nodes.objects, devd_t, bname="2:Device0002")
mydevicederived = nodes[0]
prop1 = mydevicederived.get_child(["0:sensorx_id"])
var1 = mydevicederived.get_child(["0:childparam"])
var_parent = mydevicederived.get_child(["0:sensor"])
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