Commit c217b806 authored by olivier R-D's avatar olivier R-D

add missing file, add small test and fix related import bug

parent cf2066d6
......@@ -149,12 +149,23 @@ class XmlImporter(object):
raise Exception("Error val should a dict", name, val)
for attname, v in val.items():
# tow possible values:
# either we get value directly
# or a dict if it s an object or a list
if type(v) is str:
setattr(ext, attname, to_python(v, ext, attname))
for attname2, v2 in v.items():
obj2 = getattr(ext, attname)
setattr(obj2, attname2, to_python(v2, obj2, attname2))
# so we habve either an object or a list...
obj2 = getattr(ext, attname)
if not isinstance(obj2, ua.NodeId) and not hasattr(obj2, "ua_types"):
# we probably have a list
my_list = []
for vtype, v2 in v.items():
my_list.append(ua_type_to_python(v2, vtype))
setattr(obj, attname, my_list)
for attname2, v2 in v.items():
setattr(obj2, attname2, to_python(v2, obj2, attname2))
return ext
def _add_variable_value(self, obj):
from opcua import ua
from opcua import uamethod
def func(parent, value, string):
return value * 2
class XmlTests(object):
def test_xml_import(self):
o = self.opc.get_objects_node()
v = o.get_child(["MyXMLFolder", "MyXMLObject", "MyXMLVariable"])
val = v.get_value()
self.assertEqual(val, "StringValue")
node_path = ["Types", "DataTypes", "BaseDataType", "Enumeration",
"1:MyEnum", "0:EnumStrings"]
o = self.opc.get_root_node().get_child(node_path)
self.assertEqual(len(o.get_value()), 3)
# Check if method is imported
node_path = ["Types", "ObjectTypes", "BaseObjectType",
"1:MyObjectType", "1:MyMethod"]
o = self.opc.get_root_node().get_child(node_path)
self.assertEqual(len(o.get_referenced_nodes()), 4)
# Check if InputArgs are imported and can be read
node_path = ["Types", "ObjectTypes", "BaseObjectType",
"1:MyObjectType", "1:MyMethod", "InputArguments"]
o = self.opc.get_root_node().get_child(node_path)
input_arg = o.get_data_value().Value.Value[0]
self.assertEqual(input_arg.Name, 'Context')
def test_xml_export(self):
o = self.opc.nodes.objects.add_object(2, "xmlexportobj")
m = o.add_method(2, "callme", func, [ua.VariantType.Double, ua.VariantType.String], [ua.VariantType.Float])
# set an arg dimension to a list to test list export
inputs = m.get_child("InputArguments")
val = inputs.get_value()
val[0].ArrayDimensions = [2, 2]
#get all nodes and export
nodes = [o, m]
self.opc.export_xml(nodes, "export.xml")
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