Commit c6b63b05 authored by Florian Meinicke's avatar Florian Meinicke Committed by oroulet

Fix default value of Historizing variable attribute


According to the specification, "[t]he Historizing attribute indicates
whether the Server is actively collecting data for the history of the
Variable. [...] Default value is FALSE."
parent 302c4343
......@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ class ObjectTypeAttributes(auto.ObjectTypeAttributes):
class VariableAttributes(auto.VariableAttributes):
ArrayDimensions: List[uatypes.UInt32] = None
Historizing: uatypes.Boolean = True
Historizing: uatypes.Boolean = False
AccessLevel: uatypes.Byte = auto.AccessLevel.CurrentRead.mask
UserAccessLevel: uatypes.Byte = auto.AccessLevel.CurrentRead.mask
SpecifiedAttributes: uatypes.UInt32 = (
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