Commit cc33ac45 authored by olivier R-D's avatar olivier R-D

create_* allow to have either a string or nodeid/qualifiedname for bothr args

parent 8885d865
......@@ -7,24 +7,28 @@ from opcua.common import node
def _parse_add_args(*args):
if isinstance(args[0], int):
nodeid = ua.NodeId(0, int(args[0]))
qname = ua.QualifiedName(args[1], int(args[0]))
return nodeid, qname
if isinstance(args[0], ua.NodeId):
nodeid = args[0]
qname = args[1]
elif isinstance(args[0], str):
nodeid = ua.NodeId.from_string(args[0])
raise RuntimeError()
if isinstance(args[1], ua.QualifiedName):
qname = args[1]
elif isinstance(args[1], str):
qname = ua.QualifiedName.from_string(args[1])
elif isinstance(args[0], int):
nodeid = ua.NodeId(0, int(args[0]))
qname = ua.QualifiedName(args[1], args[0])
raise RuntimeError()
return nodeid, qname
except ua.UaError:
except Exception as ex:
raise TypeError("This method takes either a namespace index and a string as argument or a nodeid and a qualifiedname. Received arguments {} and got exception {}".format(args, ex))
return nodeid, qname
def create_folder(parent, *args):
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