Commit cfe6d6e5 authored by olivier R-D's avatar olivier R-D

some doc update

parent 34be091e
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@,
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OPC-UA implementation is quasi complete and has been tested against many different applications. API offers both a low level interface to send and receive all UA defined structures and high level classes allowing to write a server or a client in a few lines. It is easy to mix high level objects and low level UA calls in one application.
OPC-UA implementation is quasi complete and has been tested against many different OPC-UA stacks. API offers both a low level interface to send and receive all UA defined structures and high level classes allowing to write a server or a client in a few lines. It is easy to mix high level objects and low level UA calls in one application.
Most code is autogenerated from xml specification using same code as the one that is used for freeopcua C++ client and server, thus adding missing functionnality to client and server shoud be trivial.
......@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ A simple GUI client is available:
Minimal client example:
Minimal server example:
A set of command line tools also available:
* uadiscover (find_servers, get_endpoints and find_servers_on_network calls)
* uals (list children of a node)
......@@ -27,6 +30,10 @@ A set of command line tools also available:
* uawrite (write attribute of a node)
* uasubscribe (subscribe to a node and print datachange events)
* uaclient (connect to server and start python shell)
* uaserver (starts a demo OPC-UA server)
tools/uaserver --populate --certificate cert.pem --private_key pk.pem
Client: what works:
* connection to server, opening channel, session
......@@ -44,7 +51,6 @@ Client: what works:
Tested servers: freeopcua C++, freeopcua Python, prosys, kepware, beckoff
Client: what is not implemented yet
* localized text feature
* removing nodes
......@@ -72,71 +78,20 @@ Server: what is not implemented
* removing nodes
* adding some missing modify methods
Example minimal client code:
from opcua import ua, Client
class SubHandler(object):
def data_change(self, handle, node, val, attr):
print("Python: New data change event", handle, node, val, attr)
def event(self, handle, event):
print("Python: New event", handle, event)
if __name__ == "__main__":
client = Client("opc.tcp://localhost:4841/freeopcua/server/")
root = client.get_root_node()
#getting a variable by path and setting its value attribute
myvar = root.get_child(["0:Objects", "2:NewObject", "2:MyVariable"])
var.set_value(ua.Variant([23], ua.VariantType.Int64))
#subscribing to data change event to our variable
handler = SubHandler()
sub = client.create_subscription(500, handler)
Example minimal server code:
from opcua import ua, Server, ObjectIds
server = Server()
server.set_server_name("FreeOpcUa Example Server")
uri = ""
idx = server.register_namespace(uri)
objects = server.get_objects_node()
myfolder = objects.add_folder(idx, "myfolder")
myvar = myfolder.add_variable(idx, "myvar", 6.7)
# creating an event object
myevent = server.get_event_object(ObjectIds.BaseEventType)
myevent.Message.Text = "This is my event"
myevent.Severity = 300
or starting a server using command line and supporting encryption:
tools/uaserver --populate --certificate cert.pem --private_key pk.pem
# Development
Code follows PEP8 apart for line lengths and autogenerate class and enums that keep camel case from XML definition.
All code is under opcua directory
- ua contains all UA structures from specification
- common contains high level objects and methods used both in server and client
- client contains client specific code
- server contains server specific code
- utils contains some utilities not really related to OPC-UA
- tools contains command lines tools
## Running tests:
......@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
OPC-UA Client Class
.. autoclass:: opcua.Client
.. autoclass:: opcua.client.client.Client
.. autoclass:: opcua.BinaryClient
.. autoclass:: opcua.client.binary_client.BinaryClient
......@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
Python OPC-UA Documentation
Directory structure:
.. toctree::
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
High level Functions and Node Class
.. automodule:: opcua.node
.. automodule:: opcua.common.node
:member-order: bysource
......@@ -2,21 +2,25 @@
OPC-UA Server Class
.. autoclass:: opcua.Server
.. autoclass:: opcua.server.server.Server
.. autoattribute:
.. autoclass:: opcua.internal_server.InternalServer
.. autoclass:: opcua.server.internal_server.InternalServer
.. autoclass:: opcua.binary_server_asyncio.BinaryServer
.. autoclass:: opcua.server.internal_server.InternalSession
.. autoclass:: opcua.binary_server.BinaryServer
.. autoclass:: opcua.server.binary_server_asyncio.BinaryServer
.. autoclass:: opcua.server.binary_server.BinaryServer
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Subscription Class
.. autoclass:: opcua.Subscription
.. autoclass:: opcua.common.subscription.Subscription
......@@ -4,14 +4,13 @@ UA Structures and Enums
All the structures and enums are to be found under
.. automodule:: opcua.uatypes
.. automodule::
.. automodule:: opcua.uaprotocol_hand
.. automodule::
.. automodule:: opcua.uaprotocol_auto
.. automodule::
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