Commit d2203fe7 authored by Christoph Ziebuhr's avatar Christoph Ziebuhr Committed by oroulet

Fix credentials in server_url

parent 139863f8
import asyncio
import logging
from typing import List, Union, Coroutine, Optional
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from urllib.parse import urlparse, unquote
from asyncua import ua
from .ua_client import UaClient
......@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ class Client:
use UaClient object, available as self.uaclient
which offers the raw OPC-UA services interface.
_username = None
_password = None
def __init__(self, url: str, timeout: float = 4):
:param url: url of the server.
......@@ -43,8 +47,15 @@ class Client:
self.server_url = urlparse(url)
# take initial username and password from the url
self._username = self.server_url.username
self._password = self.server_url.password
userinfo, have_info, hostinfo = self.server_url.netloc.rpartition('@')
if have_info:
username, have_password, password = userinfo.partition(':')
self._username = unquote(username)
if have_password:
self._password = unquote(password)
# remove credentials from url, preventing them to be sent unencrypted in e.g. send_hello
self.server_url = self.server_url.__class__(self.server_url[0], hostinfo, *self.server_url[2:]) = "Pure Python Async. Client"
self.description =
self.application_uri = "urn:freeopcua:client"
import pytest
from asyncua import Client, Server, ua
from asyncua.server.users import UserRole, User
uri = "opc.tcp://"
uri_creds = "opc.tcp://foobar:hR%26yjjGhP%246%40nQ4e@"
uri_wrong_creds = "opc.tcp://foobar:wrong@"
class UserManager:
def get_user(self, iserver, username=None, password=None, certificate=None):
if username == "foobar" and password == "hR&yjjGhP$6@nQ4e":
return User(role=UserRole.User)
return None
async def srv_user():
srv = Server(user_manager=UserManager())
await srv.init()
await srv.start()
yield srv
await srv.stop()
async def test_creds(srv_user):
clt = Client(uri)
await clt.connect()
await clt.disconnect()
async def test_wrong_creds(srv_user):
clt = Client(uri)
with pytest.raises(ua.uaerrors.BadUserAccessDenied):
await clt.connect()
await clt.disconnect()
async def test_creds_in_uri(srv_user):
clt = Client(uri_creds)
# check if credentials got removed
assert clt.server_url.geturl() == uri
await clt.connect()
await clt.disconnect()
async def test_wrong_creds_in_uri(srv_user):
clt = Client(uri_wrong_creds)
with pytest.raises(ua.uaerrors.BadUserAccessDenied):
await clt.connect()
await clt.disconnect()
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