Commit f41b67e1 authored by Jan-Niklas Burfeind's avatar Jan-Niklas Burfeind Committed by oroulet

test: Verify loading from shelf files raises an AttributeError

This confirms @harriv's finding in #1313.
parent 8cf8682a
......@@ -187,6 +187,15 @@ def test_sync_server_get_node(server, idx):
assert vars[0].read_value() == 6.7
raises=AttributeError, reason="asyncua introduced a regression, likely when we switched to pathlib", strict=True
async def test_sync_server_creating_shelf_files_works(tloop: ThreadLoop, tmp_path: Path) -> None:
shelf_file_path: Path = tmp_path / "shelf_file"
Server(tloop=tloop, shelf_file=shelf_file_path)
class MySubHandler:
def __init__(self):
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