Commit a1c06e52 authored by Nikola's avatar Nikola

Refine data bucket stream display and enable data array preview for columns with blank spaces.

parent 0d256d89
......@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
"key": "field_listbox_storage",
"lines": 5,
"list_method": "portal_catalog",
"query": "urn:jio:allDocs?query=portal_type%3A%28%22Data%20Stream%22%20OR%20%20%22Data%20Array%22%29",
"portal_type": ["Data Stream", "Data Array"],
"query": "urn:jio:allDocs?query=portal_type%3A%28%22Data%20Stream%22%20OR%20%20%22Data%20Array%22%20OR%20%22Data%20Bucket%20Stream%22%29",
"portal_type": ["Data Stream", "Data Array", "Data Bucket Stream"],
"search_column_list": [],
"sort_column_list": [],
"title": "Latest Streams and Arrays",
......@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ if array is None:
if context.getArrayDtypeNames() is not None:
return [('index', 'Index')] + [(str(i), str(i)) for i in context.getArrayDtypeNames()]
return [('index', 'Index')] + [(str(i).replace(" ", "_"), str(i).replace(" ", "_")) for i in context.getArrayDtypeNames()]
elif len(context.getArrayShape()) < 2:
return [('index', 'Index'), ('1', '1')]
return [('index', 'Index')] + [(str(i), str(i)) for i in range(min(context.getArrayShape()[1], 100))]
return [('index', 'Index')] + [(str(i).replace(" ", "_"), str(i).replace(" ", "_")) for i in range(min(context.getArrayShape()[1], 100))]
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