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# Copyright (c) 2002-2006 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nexedi SA and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
#                    Jean-Paul Smets-Solanes <>
#                    Vincent Pelletier <>
# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
# Service Company
# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

from SearchKey import SearchKey
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.Query.Query import Query
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.Query.RelatedQuery import RelatedQuery
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.Query.SQLQuery import SQLQuery
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLExpression import SQLExpression
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.interfaces.search_key import IRelatedKey
from zope.interface.verify import verifyClass
from zope.interface import implements
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import profiler_decorator


class RelatedKey(SearchKey):
    This SearchKey handles searched on virtual columns of RelatedKey type.
    It generates joins required by the virtual column to reach the actual
    column to compare, plus a regular query on that column if needed.


  related_key_definition = None

  def _buildRelatedKey(self, related_key_definition):
      Extract RelatedKey parameters from its definition, and cache this
      result. If related_key_definition changes since last computation, cached
      values will be refreshed.

      related_key_definition (string)
        Describes parameters of a RelatedKey. It is composed of 3 mains parts,
        separated by '/':
        - a list of table names
          Table names are separated by ','
        - a column name
        - the name of the related key ZSQLMethod
    assert related_key_definition is not None
    if self.related_key_definition != related_key_definition:
      self.related_key_definition = related_key_definition
      # Extract related_key_id, column_id and table_list from related_key_definition
      table_list, self.real_column, self.related_key_id = related_key_definition.split('/')
      self.table_list = table_list.split(',')

  def _getSearchKey(self, sql_catalog, search_key_name):
      Get search key relevant to the actual column.

      sql_catalog (SQLCatalog)
        Used to access SearchKey provider.
      search_key_name (string, None)
        See SQLCatalog.getSearchKey.
    return sql_catalog.getSearchKey(self.real_column, search_key_name)

  def getSearchKey(self, sql_catalog, related_key_definition, search_key_name=None):
      Get search key relevant to the actual column, extracting information
      about that column first if needed.

      sql_catalog (SQLCatalog)
        Used to access SearchKey provider.
      related_key_definition (string)
        See _buildRelatedKey.
      search_key_name (string, None)
        See SQLCatalog.getSearchKey.
    return self._getSearchKey(sql_catalog, search_key_name)

  def buildQuery(self, sql_catalog, related_key_definition,
    if isinstance(search_value, Query):
    join_condition = search_value
    return RelatedQuery(search_key=self,

  def registerColumnMap(self, column_map, table_alias_list=None):
    related_column = self.getColumn()
    group = column_map.registerRelatedKey(related_column, self.real_column)
    # Each table except last one must be registered to their own group, so that
    # the same table can be used multiple time (and aliased multiple times)
    # in the same related key. The last one must be register to related key
    # "main" group (ie, the value of the "group" variable) to be the same as
    # the ta ble used in join_condition.
    if table_alias_list is not None:
      assert len(self.table_list) == len(table_alias_list)
    for table_position in xrange(len(self.table_list) - 1):
      table_name = self.table_list[table_position]
      local_group = column_map.registerRelatedKeyColumn(related_column, table_position, group)
      column_map.registerTable(table_name, group=local_group)
      if table_alias_list is not None:
        # Pre-resolve all tables with given aliases
        given_name, given_alias = table_alias_list[table_position]
        assert table_name == given_name
        column_map.resolveTable(table_name, given_alias, group=local_group)
    table_name = self.table_list[-1]
    column_map.registerTable(table_name, group=group)
    if table_alias_list is not None:
      given_name, given_alias = table_alias_list[-1]
      assert table_name == given_name
      column_map.resolveTable(table_name, given_alias, group=group)
    # Resolve (and register) related key column in related key group with its last table.
    column_map.registerColumn(self.real_column, group=group)
    column_map.resolveColumn(self.real_column, table_name, group=group)
    # Always register catalog, since it is always the "base" table of
    # RelatedKeys.
    return group

  def buildSQLExpression(self, sql_catalog, column_map, only_group_columns, group):
      Render RelatedKey's ZSQLMethod by providing it table aliases from

      sql_catalog (SQLCatalog)
      column_map (ColumnMap)
      group (string)
      only_group_columns (bool)
    related_key = getattr(sql_catalog, self.related_key_id)
    table_alias_dict = dict(
      [('table_%s' % (x, ), column_map.getTableAlias(self.table_list[x], group=column_map.getRelatedKeyGroup(x, group)))
       for x in xrange(len(self.table_list) - 1)])
    x = len(table_alias_dict)
    assert x == len(self.table_list) - 1
    table_alias_dict['table_%s' % (x, )] = column_map.getTableAlias(self.table_list[x], group=group)
    rendered_related_key = related_key(
    # Important:
    # Former catalog separated join condition from related query.
    # Example:
    #   ComplexQuery(Query(title="foo"),
    #                Query(subordination_title="bar")
    #                , operator='OR')
    # Former catalog rendering (truncated where-expression):
    #   AND ((catalog.title LIKE '%foo%') OR
    #        (related_catalog_1.title LIKE '%bar%'))
    #   AND (related_catalog_1.uid = related_category_0.category_uid AND
    #        related_category_0.base_category_uid = 873 AND
    #        related_category_0.uid = catalog.uid)
    # As you can see, the part of the query joining the tables is *out* of the
    # OR expression, and therefor applies to the entire query.
    # This was done on purpose, because doing otherwise gives very poor
    # performances (on a simple data set, similar query can take *minutes* to
    # execute - as of MySQL 5.x).
    # Doing the same way as the former catalog is required for backward
    # compatibility, until a decent alternative is found (like spliting the
    # "OR" expression into ensemblist operations at query level).
    # Note that doing this has a side effect on result list, as objects
    # lacking a relation will never appear in the result.
      # XXX: Calling a private-ish method on column_map.
      # This should never happen. It should be removed as soon as an
      # alternative exists.
      return None
      return SQLExpression(self, where_expression=rendered_related_key)

verifyClass(IRelatedKey, RelatedKey)