Commit 18aa5d85 authored by Arnaud Fontaine's avatar Arnaud Fontaine

__getattr__ instead of _asScriptContext().

parent 275291e7
......@@ -241,11 +241,9 @@ class InteractionWorkflow(IdAsReferenceMixin("", "prefix"), Workflow):
ob, self, former_status, tdef, None, None, kwargs=kw)
script_value_list = tdef.getBeforeScriptValueList()
if script_value_list:
script_context = self._asScriptContext()
for script in script_value_list:
if script:
script = getattr(script_context,
script = getattr(self,
script(sci) # May throw an exception.
return filtered_transition_list
......@@ -311,11 +309,9 @@ class InteractionWorkflow(IdAsReferenceMixin("", "prefix"), Workflow):
# Execute the "after" script.
after_script_value_list = tdef.getAfterScriptValueList()
if after_script_value_list:
script_context = self._asScriptContext()
for script in after_script_value_list:
if script:
script = getattr(script_context,
script = getattr(self,
script(sci) # May throw an exception.
# Queue the "Before Commit" scripts
......@@ -344,16 +340,13 @@ class InteractionWorkflow(IdAsReferenceMixin("", "prefix"), Workflow):
# between here and when the interaction was executed... So we
# need to switch to the security manager as it was back then
script_context = self._asScriptContext()
getattr(script_context, script_name)(sci)
getattr(self, script_name)(sci)
def activeScript(self, script_name, ob_url, former_status, tdef_id,
script_context = self._asScriptContext()
script = getattr(script_context, script_name)
def activeScript(self, script_name, ob_url, former_status, tdef_id):
script = getattr(self, script_name)
ob = self.unrestrictedTraverse(ob_url)
tdef = self._getOb(tdef_id)
sci = StateChangeInfo(
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
import os
import sys
import warnings
from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo
from AccessControl.unauthorized import Unauthorized
......@@ -794,7 +795,6 @@ class Workflow(IdAsReferenceMixin("", "prefix"), XMLObject):
moved_exc = None
validation_exc = None
tool = self.getParentValue()
script_context = None
object_context = None
state_var = self.getStateVariable()
......@@ -826,14 +826,12 @@ class Workflow(IdAsReferenceMixin("", "prefix"), XMLObject):
if sci is None:
sci = StateChangeInfo(document, self, former_status, tdef, old_state,
new_state, form_kw)
if script_context is None:
script_context = self._asScriptContext()
for script in script_value_list:
# Pass lots of info to the script in a single parameter.
if script.getPortalType() != 'Workflow Script':
raise NotImplementedError ('Unsupported Script %s for state %s' %
(, old_state_reference))
script = getattr(script_context,
script = getattr(self,
script(sci) # May throw an exception.
except ValidationFailed, validation_exc:
......@@ -940,9 +938,7 @@ class Workflow(IdAsReferenceMixin("", "prefix"), XMLObject):
# Pass lots of info to the script in a single parameter.
if script.getPortalType() == 'Workflow Script':
if script_context is None:
script_context = self._asScriptContext()
script = getattr(script_context,
script = getattr(self,
script(sci) # May throw an exception.
# Return the new state object.
......@@ -1406,29 +1402,20 @@ class Workflow(IdAsReferenceMixin("", "prefix"), XMLObject):
def _asScriptContext(self):
def getSourceValue(self):
change the context given to the script by adding foo for script_foo to the
context dict in order to be able to call the script using its reference
(= not prefixed by script_) from another workflow script
historically, __getattr__ method of Workflow class was overriden for
the same purpose, but it was heavyweight: doing a lot of useless
operations (each time, it was checking for script_foo, even if foo was a
transition, state, ...)
TODO-ARNAU: Should it be cached somewhere?
returns the source object
script_context = self.asContext()
# asContext creates a temporary object and temporary object's "activate"
# method code is: "return self". This means that the script is not put in
# the activity queue as expected but it is instead directly executed. To fix
# this, we override the temporary object's "activate" method with the one of
# the original object.
script_context.activate = self.activate
for script in self.objectValues(portal_type="Workflow Script"):
setattr(script_context, script.getReference(), script)
return script_context
# this function is redefined here for performance reasons:
# avoiding the usage of categories speeds up workflow *a lot*
source_path_list = [path for path in self.getCategoryList()
if path.startswith('source/')]
if source_path_list:
source_id = source_path_list[0].split('/')[-1]
return self._getOb(source_id)
return None
......@@ -1447,17 +1434,55 @@ class Workflow(IdAsReferenceMixin("", "prefix"), XMLObject):
script_dict[script.getId()] = script
return script_dict
def getSourceValue(self):
def __getattr__(self, name):
TODO-arnau: Not efficient. Another possible implementation:
Create a "ScriptContext" (_asScriptContext()) before executing Scripts
but this has the following problem (besides of the fact that this is
ONLY for backward compatibility and should be dropped once all projects
have been migrated):
1. Workflow Script called and a ScriptContext is created to be able to call scripts not having SCRIPT_PREFIX.
2. That script calls a Workflow Script from another Workflow.
=> This will fail as ScriptContext is only created for the Workflow.
def _asScriptContext(self):
returns the source object
change the context given to the script by adding foo for script_foo to the
context dict in order to be able to call the script using its reference
(= not prefixed by script_) from another workflow script
historically, __getattr__ method of Workflow class was overriden for
the same purpose, but it was heavyweight: doing a lot of useless
operations (each time, it was checking for script_foo, even if foo was a
transition, state, ...)
# this function is redefined here for performance reasons:
# avoiding the usage of categories speeds up workflow *a lot*
source_path_list = [path for path in self.getCategoryList()
if path.startswith('source/')]
if source_path_list:
source_id = source_path_list[0].split('/')[-1]
return self._getOb(source_id)
return None
script_context = self.asContext()
# asContext creates a temporary object and temporary object's "activate"
# method code is: "return self". This means that the script is not put in
# the activity queue as expected but it is instead directly executed. To fix
# this, we override the temporary object's "activate" method with the one of
# the original object.
script_context.activate = self.activate
for script in self.objectValues(portal_type="Workflow Script"):
setattr(script_context, script.getReference(), script)
return script_context
if name[0] == '_': # Optimization (Folder.__getattr__)
raise AttributeError(name)
return super(Workflow, self).__getattr__(name)
except AttributeError:
if name.startswith(SCRIPT_PREFIX):
prefixed_name = SCRIPT_PREFIX + name
if not hasattr(aq_base(self), prefixed_name):
"%r: Script calling %s instead of %s" % (self, name, prefixed_name),
return self._getOb(prefixed_name)
Workflow.__getattr__ = __getattr__
......@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ this_module = sys.modules[__name__]
document_classes = updateGlobals(this_module, globals(),
# Define object classes and tools
object_classes = ()
portal_tools = (WorkflowTool,)
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