Commit 2339a5ef authored by Ayush Tiwari's avatar Ayush Tiwari
Browse files

bt5_config: Add combine function for multiple BM in template tool

parent eb73e563
......@@ -1637,31 +1637,38 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
def installMultipleBusinessManager(self, bm_list):
def combineMultipleBusinessManager(self, bm_list):
Creates a single BM from multiple Business Manager and run installation
on all at once after reducing the final BM.
Combines multiple BM to form single flattened BM
# Create the final Business Manager
if len(bm_list) == 1:
combinedBT = bm_list[0]
combinedBM = bm_list[0]
# Summation should also consider arithmetic on the Business Item(s)
# having same path and layer and combine them.
combinedBT = sum(bm_list)
combinedBM = sum(bm_list)
# XXX: We are missing the part of creating installed_BM for all the BM
# we have in bm_list, because this would be needed in case we build
# Business Manager again
# Reduce the final Business Manager
return combinedBM
if combinedBT.getStatus() == 'flattened':
def installMultipleBusinessManager(self, bm):
Run installation on flattened Business Manager
if bm.getStatus() == 'flattened':
# Run install on separate Business Item one by one
for path_item in combinedBT._path_item_list:
for path_item in bm._path_item_list:
raise ValueError, 'Business Manager not flattened, cannot install'
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