<p><metacharset="utf-8"/>Mynij is an experimental personal search engine implemented as a progressive web application. The goal of this experiment was to identify possible applications of a personal search engine as a replacement or complement to a web search engine such as Google.
<br/>Mynij can add fast indices to public web sites, provide focused results on specialised content such as education, complement product search engines with new business models and circumvent the growing censorship in public search engines.
<p>Its implementation was sponsored by <ahref="https://nlnet.nl/NGI/"target="_blank">NLNet NGI</a>, without which it would have never existed. It relies on <ahref="https://github.com/nextapps-de/flexsearch"target="_blank">flexsearch</a>, an impressive full-text search engine implemented in Javascript, and on <ahref="https://renderjs.nexedi.com/"target="_blank">RenderJS</a> framework.</p>
<p>Check <ahref="https://blog.mynij.com"target="_blank">blog.mynij.com</a> to read more about Mynij.</p>