• Kirill Smelkov's avatar
    gitlab: Adjust gitlab-workhorse promise to upstream changes · 02beb91b
    Kirill Smelkov authored
    As gitlab-workhorse is now serving everything, it proxies unknown-to-it
    requests to unicorn, and that returns redirect to /users/sign_in for
    /non-existent, not 403.
    Adjust the promise and just verify whether we can get /static.css
    NOTE nginx promise now effectively depends on gitlab-workhorse being up
        and running - because nginx is now configured to be only an SSL
        terminator and all requests processing is done by gitlab-workhorse and
        services below it.
        If in the future we'll need a pure nginx-is-up promise, we can
        introduce something to nginx config and verify that particular http
    /cc @kazuhiko, @jerome
instance-gitlab.cfg.in 23.7 KB