Commit 9afb2df0 authored by Guido van Rossum's avatar Guido van Rossum

Remove ancient NOTES file.

parent 25530ca5
[XXX These notes reflect a design that was never implemented]
The Connection object should be extended to support more flexible
handling for outstanding calls. In particular, it should be possible
to have multiple calls with return values outstanding.
The mechanism described here is based on the promises mechanism in
Argus, which was influenced by futures in Multilisp.
Promises: Linguistic Support for Efficient Asynchronous Procedure
Calls in Distributed Systems. Barbara Liskov and Liuba Shrira.
Proc. of Conf. on Programming Language Design and Implementation
(PLDI), June 1988.
We want to support two different kinds of calls:
- send : invoke a method that returns no value
- call : invoke a method that returns a value
On the client, a call immediately returns a promise. A promise is an
object that can be used to claim the return value when it becomes
- ready(): returns true if the return value is ready or an exception
- claim(): returns the call's return value or raises an exception,
blocking if necessary
The server side of a zrpc connection can be implemented using
asyncore. In that case, a method call blocks other RPC activity until
it returns. If a call needs to return a value, but can't return
immediately, it returns a delay object (ZEO.zrpc.server.Delay).
When the zrpc connection receives a Delay object, it does not
immediately return to the caller. Instead, it returns when the
reply() method is called. A Delay has two methods:
- set_sender()
- reply(obj): returns obj to the sender
Open issues:
Delayed exception
There is currently no mechanism to raise an exception from a delayed
The following item is part of Argus, but the motivation isn't entirely
For any two calls, C1 and C2, C1 always starts on the server
first. For the promises, C2 is ready() iff C1 is also ready().
The promises can be claimed in any order.
A related notion:
The connection should also support a synch() method that returns
only when all outstanding calls have completed. If any of these
calls raised an exception, the synch() call raises an exception.
XXX synch() sounds potentially useful, but it's not clear if it would
be useful for ZEO. In ZEO a single connection object handles multiple
threads, each thread is going to make independent calls. When a
particular tpc_begin() returns and a thread commits its transaction,
it makes more calls. These calls will before any of the other
tpc_begin() calls.
I think the Argus approach would be to use separate handlers for each
thread (not sure Argus had threads), so that a single thread could
rely on ordering guarantees.
Multithreaded server
There are lots of issues to work out here.
Delays may not be necessary if the connecftion handler runs in a
different thread than the object the handles the calls.
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