Commit be648a11 authored by Tim Peters's avatar Tim Peters

Recorded some exploitable invariants.

parent 4a27c9a0
......@@ -172,6 +172,16 @@ More or less random bits of helpful info.
an IIBTree has larger values than an OOBTree: pickles store ints
more efficiently than they can store arbitrary Python objects.
+ In a non-empty BTree, every bucket node contains at least one key,
and every BTree node contains at least one child. An empty BTree
consists solely of a BTree node with len==0 and firstbucket==NULL.
+ Although a BTree can become unbalanced under a mix of inserts and
deletes (meaning both that there's nothing stronger that can be
said about buckets than that they're not empty, and that buckets
can appear at different depths), a BTree node always has children
of the same kind: they're all buckets, or they're all BTree nodes.
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