Commit bf816380 authored by Fred Drake's avatar Fred Drake

Document DataConversionError.

parent 86d33d5f
......@@ -434,6 +434,31 @@ The following exceptions are defined by this package:
Raised when a data type conversion fails with
\exception{ValueError}. This exception is a subclass of both
\exception{ConfigurationError} and \exception{ValueError}. The
\function{str()} of the exception provides the explanation from the
original \exception{ValueError}, and the line number and URL of the
value which provoked the error. The following additional attributes
are provided:
{column number at which the value starts, or \code{None}}
{the original \exception{ValueError} instance}
{line number on which the value starts}
{\function{str()} returned by the original \exception{ValueError}}
{original value passed to the conversion function}
{URL of the resource providing the value text}
Raised when a schema contains an error. This exception type
provides the attributes \member{url}, \member{lineno}, and
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