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Commit 213d6dfe authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

CategoryTool: Get rid of build{,Advanced}SQLSelector.

Writing SQL belongs to catalog.
parent 04fa52c2
......@@ -1532,125 +1532,6 @@ class CategoryTool( UniqueObject, Folder, Base ):
result.append(o.getProperty(property_name, None))
return result
# SQL Expression Building
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'buildSQLSelector')
def buildSQLSelector(self, category_list, query_table='category', none_sql_value=None):
Returns an SQL selector expression from a list of categories
We make here a simple method wich simply checks membership
This is like an OR. More complex selections (AND of OR) will require
to generate a much more complex where_expression with table aliases
List of lists
- none_sql_value is used in order to specify what is the None value into
sql tables
result = self.buildAdvancedSQLSelector(category_list, query_table,
none_sql_value, strict=False)['where_expression']
# Quirk to keep strict backward compatibility. Should be removed when
# tested.
if result == '':
result = []
return result
# SQL Expression Building
security.declareProtected(Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'buildAdvancedSQLSelector')
def buildAdvancedSQLSelector(self, category_list, query_table='category',
none_sql_value=None, strict=True, catalog_table_name='catalog'):
# XXX: about "strict" parameter: This is a transition parameter,
# allowing someone hitting a bug to revert to original behaviour easily.
# It is not a correct name, as pointed out by Jerome. But instead of
# searching for another name, it would be much better to just remove it.
Return chunks of SQL to check for category membership.
none_sql_value (default=None):
Specify the SQL value of None in SQL.
None means SQL NULL.
strict (boolean, default=True):
Resulting query will match any document which matches at least one
of given categories.
Resulting query will match any document which matches all given
categories, except for categories which are not defined on the
document. This usefull for example for predicates, where one wants
to fetch all predicates applicable for a given set of conditions,
including generic predicates which check only a subset of those
Performance hint: Order given category list to have most
discriminant factors before lesser discriminant ones.
result = {}
def renderUIDValue(uid):
uid = ((uid is None) and (none_sql_value, ) or (uid, ))[0]
if uid is None:
return 'NULL'
return '%s' % (uid, )
def renderUIDWithOperator(uid):
value = renderUIDValue(uid)
if value == 'NULL':
return 'IS NULL'
return '= %s' % (value, )
if isinstance(category_list, str):
category_list = [category_list]
if strict:
category_uid_dict = {}
ordered_base_category_uid_list = []
# Fetch all category and base category uids, and regroup by
# base_category.
for category in category_list:
if isinstance(category, str) and category:
base_category_uid = self.getBaseCategoryUid(category)
category_uid_list = category_uid_dict.setdefault(base_category_uid, [])
if len(category_uid_list) == 0:
# New base category, append it to the ordered list.
category_uid = self.getCategoryUid(category)
if category_uid is None and category != 'NULL':
raise TypeError(
"Invalid category passed to buildAdvancedSQLSelector: %r"
% category )
# Generate "left join" and "where" expressions.
left_join_list = [catalog_table_name]
where_expression_list = []
format_dict = {'catalog': catalog_table_name}
for base_category_uid in ordered_base_category_uid_list:
alias_name = 'base_%s' % (base_category_uid, )
format_dict['alias'] = alias_name
format_dict['condition'] = renderUIDWithOperator(base_category_uid)
'`%(alias)s` ON (`%(catalog)s`.uid = `%(alias)s`.uid AND '\
'`%(alias)s`.category_strict_membership = "1" AND '\
'`%(alias)s`.base_category_uid %(condition)s)' % format_dict)
category_uid_name = '`%s`.category_uid' % (alias_name, )
category_uid_list = category_uid_dict[base_category_uid]
if category_uid_list == [None]:
# Only one UID and it's None: do not allow NULL value to be selected.
where_expression_list.append('(%s %s)' % \
(category_uid_name, renderUIDWithOperator(base_category_uid)))
# In any other case, allow it.
where_expression_list.append('(%s IS NULL OR %s = 0 OR %s IN (%s))' % \
(category_uid_name, category_uid_name, category_uid_name,
', '.join([renderUIDValue(x) for x in category_uid_list])))
result['from_expression'] = {catalog_table_name:
('\nLEFT JOIN `%s` AS ' % (query_table, )).join(left_join_list)}
result['where_expression'] = '(%s)' % (' AND '.join(where_expression_list), )
result['where_expression'] = \
' OR '.join(['(%s.category_uid %s AND %s.base_category_uid %s)' %\
(query_table, renderUIDWithOperator(self.getCategoryUid(x)),
query_table, renderUIDWithOperator(self.getBaseCategoryUid(x)))
for x in category_list if isinstance(x, str) and x])
return result
security.declareProtected( Permissions.AccessContentsInformation, 'getCategoryMemberValueList' )
def getCategoryMemberValueList(self, context, base_category=None,
portal_type=(), strict_membership=False, strict=False, **kw):
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