Commit b006b7b8 authored by Romain Courteaud's avatar Romain Courteaud 🐸

Make the login message configurable.

parent f99c6d3b
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
<tal:block tal:define="form_action string:logged_in;\n
global form_id string:login_form;\n
login_message_document_list python: here.getWebSiteValue().getDocumentValueList(reference=\'slapos-login.message\');\n
js_list python: [\'%s/login_form.js\' % (here.portal_url(), ), \'%s/erp5.js\' % (here.portal_url(), )]">\n
<tal:block metal:use-macro="here/main_template/macros/master">\n
<tal:block metal:fill-slot="main">\n
......@@ -68,10 +69,11 @@
<a class="zocial google" href="./login_with_google">Signup with Google</a><br/><br/>\n
You are not connected with social network? So then use BrowserID <a href="#" id="browserid" title="Sign-in with BrowserID"> <img src="./vifib_image/browser_id_logo.png" alt="Sign-in with BrowserID" title="Sign-in with BrowserID"></a>\n
<div class="field nolabel widthAuto center" style="background: white; color: #FF0066;; margin-top: 2em;">\n
By clicking on one of the signup button, you agree that you are subscribing to a payed service.<br/>\n
Each software service will be invoiced to you at the end of the month.\n
<tal:block tal:condition="python: login_message_document_list">\n
<div tal:content="structure python: login_message_document_list[0].convert(format=\'html\')[1]" class="field nolabel widthAuto center" style="background: white; color: #FF0066;; margin-top: 2em; text-align: left">\n
<browserid id="browser_id_login" tal:attributes=\'value python: here.getWebSiteValue().login_with_browser_id.absolute_url()\'/>\n
<script type="text/javascript">\n
$(\'#browserid\').click(function() {\n
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