• Ophélie Gagnard's avatar
    obs/generic/: Reorganize and improve the build scripts. · 11b6559f
    Ophélie Gagnard authored
    - configuration_informaition.sh:
        - Automatically detect the osc user. Deduce the osc project.
        - Improve space handling in the variables name.
    - Reorganize slightly and clean.
    - Add " " around variables.
    - Do nothing after running buildout. It allows to work on other projects during the compilation time. Create a new stage.
    - Rename the scripts.
    - Add and rename some variables.
    - Restore the buildout files retrieving using git clones (rather than copying a model in the current filesystem).
    templates/compilation-templates/: Change a maccro according to a new variable name.
    Makefile: Update.
    - Supports both numbered and unnumbered names.
    - Update for renaming and stage addition.
    - Add an after_build target and fix some details.
    TODO.txt: Update.
40backup_tarball.sh 1006 Bytes