• Ophélie Gagnard's avatar
    osc/generic/: Add, clean and update distribution and compilation files or templates. · 9042c4b4
    Ophélie Gagnard authored
    Add distrbution files and clean compilation templates.
    - Change the "Version" field in the .dsc
    - dep_fluentbit: Add distribution-specifics/dep_fluent-bit/, templates/compilation-templates/dep_fluent-bit/
    - fluent-bit: Add distribution-specifics clean the compilation templates.
    - Move and update light-build-dependencies/ to dep--mca/
    - dep--mca--static/: Fix a bug (wrong .dsc name).
    distribution-specifics/, templates/:
    - Change dep_* to dep--* and rename the files accordingly.
    - Modify directories, file names and file contents according to the *-static -> --*static switch.
    build-scripts/build_tree.sh Fix the local model for slapos repository.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
changelog 141 Bytes