An error occurred fetching the project authors.
  1. 25 Feb, 2022 1 commit
    • Arnaud Fontaine's avatar
      Zope 4.x: Fix OFS.Image PUT() for Python 2 (#1015). · 8cd7a917
      Arnaud Fontaine authored
      This fixes failures in erp5_dms:testWebDavSupport.
        Traceback (innermost last):
          Module Products.ERP5Type.patches.OFSImage, line 94, in PUT
            return PUT_orig(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
          Module OFS.Image, line 665, in PUT
            data = data.encode('UTF-8')
        UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe3 in position 10: ordinal not in range(128)
  2. 14 Feb, 2022 1 commit
  3. 07 Feb, 2022 1 commit
  4. 03 Feb, 2022 3 commits
  5. 28 Jan, 2022 1 commit
    • Aurel's avatar
      WIP: zope4 on python patches from Aurel (+changes from jerome) · 9943ce81
      Aurel authored
      build on zope4
      wip : patches
      update patches
      reactivatee some patches & egg and remove dep to old ZSQLMEthod
      fix zope patch
      add Sessions product
      reintroduce reStructuredText
      use ExternalEditor compatible with Zope4
      reinstroduce the config of _Z2PORT and _Z2HOST for testing
      fix patch ?
      add CMFDefault
      Revert "add CMFDefault"
      This reverts commit 3e3545ebd02fa188f4265301bbbf6b6b0f0dad9b.
      pin eggs version
      jerome: stop allowing version picking and pin versions
  6. 20 Jan, 2022 1 commit
  7. 11 Jan, 2022 1 commit
  8. 02 Dec, 2021 1 commit
  9. 30 Nov, 2021 1 commit
  10. 06 Oct, 2021 1 commit
  11. 19 Aug, 2021 1 commit
  12. 12 Aug, 2021 1 commit
  13. 13 Jul, 2021 1 commit
  14. 16 Jun, 2021 1 commit
  15. 26 May, 2021 2 commits
  16. 07 May, 2021 1 commit
  17. 15 Apr, 2021 1 commit
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      stack/erp5 += WCFS service (technology preview) · 48b24182
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      This complements 7f877621 (Move wendelin.core from Wendelin to ERP5) and
      introduces new WCFS service into ERP5 software-release to support
      upcoming wendelin.core 2. Wendelin.core 2 will introduce new WCFS
      filesystem server component that serves in-ZODB arrays data as OS files
      for Zopes to memory-map. Please see the following links for overview of
      what WCFS is and how it interoperates with and serves Python clients:
      Implementation notes:
      - WCFS is by default disabled in ERP5 - we do not want to load every
        ERP5 user with it in the early days of wendelin.core 2. WCFS service
        will also not work when ERP5 is built with wendelin.core 1, so keeping
        it disabled by default is reasonable for now.
      - There is a duplication for in between stack/erp5/
        and software/slapos-master/ . It was negotiated with VIFIB developers
        to go this way instead of first deduplicating
        copying that was started in 87d13789 (slapos-master: Copy files from
        erp5 stack for local changes).
      To enable wcfs one can either pass `wcfs` configuration parameter, or
      add the following to a software-release that uses stack/erp5:
        wcfs-enable-default = true
      /cc @rafael, @tomo
  18. 13 Apr, 2021 1 commit
  19. 24 Mar, 2021 1 commit
  20. 16 Mar, 2021 1 commit
  21. 22 Feb, 2021 1 commit
  22. 21 Jan, 2021 1 commit
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      software/erp5: Adjust apachedex promise for haproxy · e6087b7d
      Jérome Perrin authored
      Since bd3c2b18 (Remove httpd from ERP5 and use haproxy instead, 2020-12-14)
      timing in balancer access log files are in milliseconds, no longer in
      microseconds as they use to be with apache.
      We update apachedex to version 1.8, where it supports generating reports
      from access log files with milliseconds, as long as the expected format is
      passed with --logformat argument.
      We changed the default value of apachedex configuration to use the expected
      --logformat argument, but users with a custom apachedex config passed as
      instance parameters (monitor.apachedex-configuration) will have to update
      their request parameters, to also pass --logformat.
      Since this is breaking change, we take this opportunity to introduce another
      breaking change, this parameter is not longer a string with all arguments
      on the same line, which was problematic because these arguments contained
      quotes and backslashes. The arguments are now passed as a list of strings
      which will become the list of arguments passed to apachedex.
      This is implemented by generating an apachedex config file, which simplifies
      the generation of the wrapper. For this we also needed to upate
      The same change is reflected to the overriden profiles in slapos-master,
      but for slapos-master we don't pass the --logformat argument, because
      slapos-master is using httpd, so the logs timings are still in microseconds.
  23. 17 Dec, 2020 1 commit
    • Léo-Paul Géneau's avatar
      software/jupyter: move to python 3 · b15cac5f
      Léo-Paul Géneau authored
      moves python2 release to component/jupyter-py2 because it is required by ERP5
      but not maintained anymore
      moves to python 3 :
      - test/
      modifies custom.js to create a workaround for events issue
      see (
      upgrades slapos.cookbook version to 1.0.171 to use zero_knowledge recipe
      with python 3
      adds jupyter partition check in software/erp5/test/
  24. 07 Dec, 2020 3 commits
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      Move wendelin.core from Wendelin to ERP5 · 7f877621
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      We are starting to use wendelin.core not only in Wendelin context.
      So it makes sense to have it installed in base ERP5, like we already do for
      example for NumPy and SciPy.
      /reviewed-by @rafael, @jp
      /reviewed-on nexedi/slapos!874
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      stack/erp5: socat wrapper to get haproxy stats · 82a249b6
      Jérome Perrin authored
      haproxy can be controlled with this socket, so it might be useful
      to "expose" it - it's not really expose because we only use a
      UNIX socket.
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      stack/erp5: remove httpd and use haproxy instead · 6a8f58c5
      Jérome Perrin authored
      Two main differences of haproxy are file format for certificates and logs.
      HAProxy also uses certificates in PEM format, but it expect its own server
      certificate and the key to be in the same file (although recent version seems
      to accept separate files, we don't use this now) and the CRL and CA certificates
      also all together in the same file.
      We change to use the same file for certificate and key and for CA and CRL, in
      the updater script we we build PEM files by containing all CA certificates and
      all CRL together.
      Also, since haproxy needs to be reloaded when certificate change, we run it in
      master-worker mode, with a pid file so that we can signal it to reload.
      For the logs, since haproxy does not log to file, we introduce a rsyslogd to
      log to a file. The log format is same as with httpd, except that timing are not
      in microseconds but in milliseconds - this did not seem to be configurable.
      This is a problem for apachedex reports on log, for that we plan to use an
      updated version of apachedex with support for `%{ms}T` for durations.
      HAProxy is configured with same timeouts, except:
       - "connect" timeout has been increased a bit (from 5 to 10s), because the
         comment "The connection should be immediate on LAN" was no longer true, now
         that haproxy is accessed from frontend.
       - the server entries for testrunner are a very long timeout (8h) because some
         ERP5 functional tests exceeed the 305s timeout.
      The SSL configuration is with current "modern" config from
      Tests have been modified a bit, because haproxy uses HTTP/2.0 and not 1.1
      like httpd was doing several haproxy features (keep alive and gzip
      compression) are only available when backend uses HTTP/1.1, so we adjusted
      tests to use a 1.1 backend.
      There was also differences with logs, because of the time being in milliseconds.
      TestPublishedURLIsReachableMixin._checkERP5IsReachable was also updated, it
      was working by chance because when accessed behind httpd->haproxy->zope, zope
      was producing a redirect URL that was the URL of haproxy, which could be
      resolved by chance. This test was updated to access zope with a path that
      contains VirtualHostMonster magic, as the shared frontend ( with "zope" software
      type) is supposed to set.
      This should hopefuly solve the "502 Proxy Error" that we are observing with httpd.
  25. 16 Nov, 2020 1 commit
  26. 20 Oct, 2020 1 commit
    • Kirill Smelkov's avatar
      ZEO: Factor it to separate component · 83618cd6
      Kirill Smelkov authored
      We already patch ZEO4 with TCP_NODELAY patch (see 5cf4cf1f "ERP5:
      enable TCP_NODELAY for ZEO") and we will need to backport more patches
      to ZEO4 branch for wendelin.core 2 to work correctly.
      It's not only software/neoppod which uses ZEO, and it is not convenient for
      all other software-releases to inherit from neoppod to use correct
      version and build of ZEO egg. For this reason factor out details of ZEO
      egg building into component/ZEO and let users use ${ZEO:egg} where ZEO
      is needed. This way ZEO will be correctly installed for all users.
      This patch should be a non-functional change. We switch to
      nexedi/ZEO@5114f909 revision which corresponds to ZEO 4.3.1 +
      Adding other patches to ZEO4 needed by wendelin.core 2 will be done as a
      separate step.
  27. 28 Sep, 2020 1 commit
  28. 15 Sep, 2020 1 commit
  29. 26 Aug, 2020 1 commit
  30. 25 Aug, 2020 1 commit
    • Jérome Perrin's avatar
      version up slapos.toolbox 0.110 · f3613b91
      Jérome Perrin authored
      Since this version introduces a dependency on backports.lzma we had to
      explicitly install backports.lzma in a slapos compliant way before installing
      slapos.toolbox, because installing the egg needs xz-utils.
      For slapos-sr-testing it's also a version up of backports.lzma to 0.14.0
  31. 24 Aug, 2020 1 commit
  32. 19 Aug, 2020 2 commits
  33. 28 Jul, 2020 1 commit
  34. 25 Jun, 2020 1 commit
    • Vincent Pelletier's avatar
      stack/{slapos.cfg,caucase}: Version up. · 59ebf0d0
      Vincent Pelletier authored
      To fix caucased failures:
        File "caucase/caucase/", line 799, in main
        File "caucase/caucase/", line 397, in getSSLContext
        File "caucase/caucase/", line 281, in createCertificate
        File "caucase/caucase/", line 328, in _createCertificate
        File "cryptography-2.3.1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/cryptography/x509/", line 189, in from_issuer_subject_key_identifier
      AttributeError: 'SubjectKeyIdentifier' object has no attribute 'value'
      In turn, this requires updating cryptography dependencies.
      In turn, this requires updating requests as our old version is
      incompatible with current idna version.
      In turn, this requires updating requests dependencies.
      And finally, this allows/requires updating some pins in SRs:
      - software/jupyter: Version up certifi.
      - stack/erp5: Un-pin chardet, as it is already pinned at stack/slapos level.