Commit 8fd5bb63 authored by Jondy Zhao's avatar Jondy Zhao

user-guide: use windows native openvpn

renamed:    scripts/ -> scripts/
parent cb84afec
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -8,6 +8,13 @@
<authorinitials>Jondy Zhao -</authorinitials>
<revremark>Add some packages when install cygwin; Change the steps of generating installer from source. </revremark>
......@@ -217,10 +224,12 @@ net start re6stnet
MD slapos
CD slapos
SET PACKAGES=-P autobuild -P autoconf -P automake -P autossh -P binutils -P bison -P bzip2 -P ca-certificates -P cron -P curl -P cygport -P cygrunsrv -P file -P flex -P gcc4 -P gdbm -P libgdbm-devel -P gettext -P gettext-devel -P libglib2.0-devel -P libglib2.0_0 -P libexpat1 -P libexpat1-devel -P libmpfr-devel -P libmpfr4 -P libtool -P libxml2 -P libxml2-devel -P libxslt -P libxslt-devel -P make -P m4 -P libncurses-devel -P libncursesw-devel -P patch -P patchutils -P pkg-config -P python -P python-setuptools -P openssh -P openssl-devel -P libopenssl098 -P libopenssl100 -P popt -P readline -P libsqlite3-devel -P libsqlite3_0 -P swig -P syslog-ng -P zlib-devel -P vim -P wget -P libwrap-devel
SET PACKAGES=-P autobuild -P autoconf -P automake -P autossh -P binutils -P bison -P bzip2 -P ca-certificates -P cron -P curl -P cygport -P cygrunsrv -P file -P flex -P gcc4 -P gdbm -P libgdbm-devel -P gettext -P gettext-devel -P libglib2.0-devel -P libglib2.0_0 -P libexpat1 -P libexpat1-devel -P libmpfr-devel -P libmpfr4 -P libtool -P libxml2 -P libxml2-devel -P libxslt -P libxslt-devel -P make -P m4 -P libncurses-devel -P libncursesw-devel -P patch -P patchutils -P pkg-config -P python -P python-setuptools -P openssh -P openssl-devel -P libopenssl098 -P libopenssl100 -P popt -P readline -P libsqlite3-devel -P libsqlite3_0 -P swig -P syslog-ng -P zlib-devel -P vim -P wget -P libwrap-devel -P docbook-xsl -P docbook-xsl-ns -P mingw-gcc -P mingw64-i686-gcc -P mingw64-x86_64-gcc
MOVE d:\temp\setup.exe .\
setup.exe %PACKAGES% --no-verify -D -L -l D:\slapos\cygwin-packages -R D:\slapos\cygwin -s
</programlisting>Waiting for the installer finished.</para></listitem>
</programlisting>Waiting for the installer finished.
<note><para>Some packages only used to build slapos from sources. Refer to <xref linkend="package-slapos-developer"/> to know more details.</para></note>
A cygwin icon will be added in the windows desktop, click it to enter cygwin box. If the current user isn't Administrator, then right click cygwin icon, click Run As Administrator. Be suer you have enough rights to run the following commands:
......@@ -301,11 +310,17 @@ Now we need patch slapos.core for supporting cygwin, after these code are merged
cd $(ls -d /opt/slapos/eggs/slapos.core-*.egg/)
patch -f --dry-run -p1 &lt; ${_filename} &gt; /dev/null &amp;&amp; patch -p1 &lt; ${_filename}
cd $(ls -d /opt/slapos/eggs/supervisor-*.egg/)
cd supervisor
patch -f --dry-run -p1 &lt; ${_filename} &gt; /dev/null &amp;&amp; patch -p1 &lt; ${_filename}
It seems netifaces.dll need to rebase,
If "slapos node" report "remap error", you need to do as the following,
cd ~
find /opt/slapos -name "*.dll" &gt; /myfile.list
echo "PATH .\bin;%PATH%" &gt; /autorebase.bat
echo "dash /bin/rebaseall -v" &gt;&gt; /autorebase.bat
echo "dash /bin/rebaseall -T /myfile.list -v" &gt;&gt; /autorebase.bat
echo "EXIT 0" &gt;&gt; /autorebase.bat
echo "Pause" &gt;&gt; /autorebase.bat
......@@ -322,6 +337,11 @@ rm -rf slapos/slapos.tar.gz
tar czf slapos.tar.gz slapos/
mv slapos.tar.gz slapos/
Generate regpwd.exe, which used to save user's password to registry:
cd /opt/git/slapos.package/windows/scripts
gcc -o regpwd.exe regpwd.c
Then build babeld for cygwin, we need use the sources in the slapos.package.git, they are patched for cygwin:
cd /opt/git/slapos.package/windows/babeld
......@@ -339,7 +359,7 @@ Now, build ipwin.exe which used to manage slapos network. If you have msvc build
Then generate user-guide.html from using-slapos-in-windows.xml, generally you need not do this, just copy this file (you're looking now) to /opt/git/slapos.package/windows/docs. If you really want to generate the document by your self, make sure docbook-utils package installed in the Cygwin. Refer to <xref linkend="package-docbook-utils"/> to know what about docbook-utils.
Then generate user-guide.html from using-slapos-in-windows.xml, generally you need not do this, just copy this file (you're looking now) to /opt/git/slapos.package/windows/docs.
cd /opt/git/slapos.package/windows/docs
# Before run make, be sure there is the file /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets/html/docbook.xsl, if not, find it first
......@@ -358,23 +378,29 @@ Get re6stnet for cygwin
cd /opt/git
(cd re6stnet ; git pull) || git clone -b cygwin
cd re6stnet
python sdist
cd /opt/git/re6stnet/re6st
i686-pc-mingw32-gcc.exe ovpn-client.c -o ovpn-client-x86.exe
i686-pc-mingw32-gcc.exe ovpn-server.c -o ovpn-server-x86.exe
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe ovpn-client.c -o ovpn-client-x64.exe
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe ovpn-server.c -o ovpn-server-x64.exe
# i686-pc-mingw32-gcc.exe ovpn-client.c -o ovpn-client.exe
# i686-pc-mingw32-gcc.exe ovpn-server.c -o ovpn-server.exe
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe ovpn-client.c -o ovpn-client.exe
i686-w64-mingw32-gcc.exe ovpn-server.c -o ovpn-server.exe
cd /opt/git/re6stnet
python sdist
Get the icons and openvpn files, if you use 32-bit windows, uncomment the comment line to download openvpn-x86.tar.gz other than openvpn-x64.tar.gz:
Get openvpn files, download official openvpn installer for your windows, for example, openvpn-install-2.3.2-I001-x86_64.exe for windows 7 64-bit, double click it to install openvpn, then:
mkdir /opt/openvpn
cp -a /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/OpenVPN/bin /opt/openvpn
cp -a /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/OpenVPN/driver /opt/openvpn
cp -a /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/TAP-Windows/driver /opt/openvpn
cp /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/TAP-Windows/bin/devcon.exe /opt/openvpn/bin
Get the icons files
cd /opt
wget -O openvpn-driver.tar.gz
# wget -O openvpn-driver.tar.gz
tar xzf images.tar.gz --no-same-owner
tar xzf openvpn-driver.tar.gz --no-same-owner
Get configure template file:
......@@ -559,8 +585,16 @@ Then upload the source packages dist/psutil-1.0.1.tar.gz to http://www.nexedi.or
<note id="package-docbook-utils"><para>
There is another package: Text/docbook-utils, it only used to generate user-guide.html from source file. But this package will increase required disk size remarkable, because many dependent packages are installed by Cygwin, so it recommand not to check this package when building slapos source or the installer. Only you really need to build the document, then install this package from cygwin setup gui interface by double clicking setup.exe downloaded from</para></note>
<note id="package-slapos-developer"><para>
The following packages only used to build slapos from sources, they are not required by slapos runtime.
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\groupadd"; DestDir: "{app
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\brctl"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\tunctl"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\slapos-cron-config"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\regpwd.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\ipwin\ipwin\ipwin.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\babeld\babeld.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
......@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\slap-runner.html"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\docs\using-slapos-in-windows.html"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "user-guide.html"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\docs\README.cygwin"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "readme.txt"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
......@@ -87,7 +88,7 @@ Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"; Parameters: "--login -i /etc/slapos/scrip
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\autorebase.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe"; Parameters: "-c ~/.minttyrc -h never -t ""Uninstall SlapOS"" /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe"; Parameters: "-c ~/.minttyrc -h never -t ""Uninstall SlapOS"" /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist;
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\cygwin" ;
......@@ -49,12 +49,19 @@ if [[ -x /opt/slapos/bin/slapos ]] ; then
slapos_kill_process /usr/bin/python2.7
# Remove route entries added by re6stnet
# Remove virtual netcard installed by slapos
echo "Removing network connection ${slapos_ifname}"
ipwin remove *msloop ${slapos_ifname} && echo OK.
echo "Removing all Tap-Windows Drivers ..."
which devcon >/dev/null 2>&1 && devcon remove tap0901 && echo OK.
# Remove configure files
......@@ -70,9 +77,6 @@ _filename=/var/cron/tabs/${slapos_administrator}
echo "Removing ${_filename}"
rm -rf ${_filename} && echo OK.
echo "Removing all Tap-Windows Drivers ..."
which devcon >/dev/null 2>&1 && devcon remove tap0901 && echo OK.
# Remove default instance root and software root, because it belong to
# slapuser, and would not be removed by the windows uninstaller.
......@@ -136,8 +136,13 @@ fi
csih_check_program_or_error /usr/bin/cygrunsrv cygserver
csih_check_program_or_error /usr/bin/syslog-ng-config syslog-ng
csih_check_program_or_error /usr/bin/openssl openssl
csih_check_program_or_error /usr/bin/ipwin slapos-patches
csih_check_program_or_error /usr/bin/slapos-cron-config slapos-patches
csih_check_program_or_error /usr/bin/slapos-cron-config slapos-cywgin
csih_check_program_or_error /usr/bin/ipwin slapos-cygwin
csih_check_program_or_error /usr/bin/ip slapos-cygwin
csih_check_program_or_error /usr/bin/useradd slapos-cygwin
csih_check_program_or_error /usr/bin/modadd slapos-cygwin
csih_check_program_or_error /usr/bin/regpwd slapos-cygwin
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Create paths
......@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\groupadd"; DestDir: "{app
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\brctl"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\tunctl"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\slapos-cron-config"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\regpwd.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\ipwin\ipwin\ipwin.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\babeld\babeld.exe"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
......@@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\slap-runner.html"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\scripts\"; DestDir: "{app}\cygwin\etc\slapos\scripts"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\docs\using-slapos-in-windows.html"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "user-guide.html"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
Source: "cygwin\opt\git\slapos.package\windows\docs\README.cygwin"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "readme.txt"; Permissions: everyone-readexec;
......@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\bash.exe"; Parameters: "--login -i /etc/slapos/scrip
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\autorebase.bat"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist runhidden;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe"; Parameters: "-c ~/.minttyrc -h never -t ""Uninstall SlapOS"" /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist;
Filename: "{app}\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe"; Parameters: "-c ~/.minttyrc -h never -t ""Uninstall SlapOS"" /etc/slapos/scripts/"; WorkingDir: "{app}\cygwin\bin"; Flags: skipifdoesntexist;
Type: filesandordirs; Name: "{app}\cygwin" ;
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