Commit 293b242f authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled
Browse files

pypy: regenerate .pyc files during install

parent cb1e037a
......@@ -81,11 +81,14 @@ makefile =
| mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/bin $(PREFIX)/include
| find lib_pypy lib-python/%(version)s -type d '(' '(' -name __pycache__ -o -name _tkinter -o -name test -o -name tests ')' -prune -o -print ')' \
| |while read d; do mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/$$d && find $$d -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name '*.o' ! -name '*.c' |xargs -r cp -t $(PREFIX)/$$d; done
| |while read d; do mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/$$d && find $$d -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -name '*.o' ! -name '*.c' ! -name '*.pyc' |xargs -r cp -t $(PREFIX)/$$d; done
| d=lib-python/%(version)s/test && mkdir -p $(PREFIX)/$$d && for x in __init__ pystone regrtest test_support; do echo $$d/$$; done |xargs -r cp -t $(PREFIX)/$$d
| cd lib-python && cp stdlib-version.* $(PREFIX)/lib-python
| cp -r include/pypy_*.h pypy/module/cpyext/include/* pypy/module/cpyext/parse/* $(PREFIX)/include
| cd pypy/goal && cp $(PREFIX)/bin && cp pypy-c $(PREFIX)/bin/pypy
| rm $(PREFIX)/lib_pypy/_cffi_ssl/tools/ # this is a Py3 script
| rmdir $(PREFIX)/lib_pypy/_cffi_ssl/tools
| cd $(PREFIX) && find lib_pypy lib-python/%(version)s -name '*.py' |bin/pypy -Bm py_compile -
# the entry "-Wl,-rpath=${file:location}/lib" below is needed by python-magic,
# which would otherwise load the system with ctypes
environment =
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