• Sebastien Robin's avatar
    simulation: review generated delivery builder (update existing deliveries, date precision) · 15f08b29
    Sebastien Robin authored
    Up to know, order builders were mostly used having in mind the idea of
    deleting all previously created automated orders.
    This way was mostly requesting to run generated delivery builder only
    once per night, assuming there is no users working at that time.
    So to allows running very often (many times a day) generated delivery
    builders, allow them to update existing deliveries. This way :
    - automated deliveries could be much more up to date
    - there is no need to delete everything
    - this generate few activities, there is no need of a long calculation
      to update everything
    Also, the stock optimization was using dates with a precision of one
    full day. Generic code must support much better precision.
testOrderBuilder.py 13.3 KB