• Valentin Benozillo's avatar
    [erp5_officejs] Fix progressive app accept update from officejs.com · 8379e8b2
    Valentin Benozillo authored
    if you push a new release on office.com the url of your app change "[your_app].app.officejs.com/[release_number]. The solution is to change the strating page to [your_app].app.officejs.com by puting the right relative url "../" or "../../" dependting on the manifest.
    CAUTION : This relatibve url, as starting point, don't work on an ERP5 instance. Because your app is located to : [instance_url]/erp5/web_site_module/[your_app]
gadget_officejs_json_manifest_smart_assistant_json.xml 10.2 KB