Commit 3c9a222c authored by wenjie.zheng's avatar wenjie.zheng

ERP5Workflow: cleanup files.

parent a3ec2f6a
......@@ -65,57 +65,20 @@ class State(IdAsReferenceMixin("state_", "prefix"), XMLObject, XMLMatrix):
def getAvailableTransitionList(self, document):
transition_list = self.getDestinationValueList(portal_type = 'Transition')
result_list = []
for transition in transition_list:
value = transition._checkPermission(document)
if value:
return result_list
def getWorkflowHistory(self, document, remove_undo=0, remove_not_displayed=0):
Return history tuple
wh = document.workflow_history[self.getParentValue()._generateHistoryKey()]
result = []
# Remove undo
if not remove_undo:
result = [x.copy() for x in wh]
result = []
for x in wh:
if x.has_key('undo') and x['undo'] == 1:
return result
def getVariableValue(self, document, variable_name):
Get current value of the variable from the object
status_dict = self.getParentValue().getCurrentStatusDict(document)
return status_dict[variable_name]
def setPermission(self, permission, acquired, roles, REQUEST=None):
"""Set a permission for this State."""
pr = self.erp5_permission_roles
if pr is None:
self.erp5_permission_roles = pr = PersistentMapping()
permission_role = self.erp5_permission_roles
if permission_role is None:
self.erp5_permission_roles = permission_role = PersistentMapping()
if acquired:
roles = list(roles)
roles = tuple(roles)
pr[permission] = roles
permission_role[permission] = roles
def getPermissionRoleList(self):
return self.erp5_permission_roles
def getWorkflow(self):
return aq_parent(aq_inner(aq_parent(aq_inner(self))))
def getDestinationReferenceList(self):
ref_list = []
for tr in self.getDestinationValueList():
......@@ -108,17 +108,3 @@ class Transition(IdAsReferenceMixin("transition_", "prefix"), XMLObject):
self.guard.groups = self.getGroupList()
if self.guard.expr != self.getExpression():
self.guard.expr = self.getExpression()
def _checkPermission(self, document):
Check if transition is allowed.
expr_value = self.getGuardExpression(evaluate=0)
if expr_value is not None:
# do not use 'getGuardExpression' to calculate tales because
# it caches value which is bad. Instead do it manually
value = _evaluateTales(document, expr_value)
value = True
#print "CALC", expr_value, '-->', value
return value
......@@ -99,27 +99,3 @@ class Variable(IdAsReferenceMixin("variable_", "prefix"), XMLObject):
if self.info_guard is not None:
res = self.info_guard.getSummary()
return res
# zwj: originated from DC workflow; seems useless here?
def setProperties(self, description,
default_value='', default_expr='',
for_catalog=0, for_status=0,
props=None, REQUEST=None):
self.description = str(description)
self.default_value = str(default_value)
if default_expr:
self.default_expr = Expression(default_expr)
self.default_expr = None
g = Guard()
if g.changeFromProperties(props or REQUEST):
self.info_guard = g
self.info_guard = None
self.for_catalog = bool(for_catalog)
self.for_status = bool(for_status)
self.update_always = bool(update_always)
if REQUEST is not None:
return self.manage_properties(REQUEST, 'Properties changed.')
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -977,61 +977,6 @@ class Workflow(IdAsReferenceMixin("", "prefix"), XMLObject):
return etree.tostring(root, encoding='utf-8',
xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True)
## Graph ##
getGraph = getGraph
def getPOT(self, *args, **kwargs):
get the pot, copy from:
and Sidnei da Silva owns the copyright of the this function
out = []
transition_dict = {}
out.append('digraph "%s" {' % self.getTitle())
transition_with_init_state_list = []
for state in self.objectValues(portal_type='State'):
out.append('%s [shape=box,label="%s",' \
'style="filled",fillcolor="#ffcc99"];' % \
(state.getId(), state.getTitle()))
# XXX Use API instead of getDestinationValueList
for available_transition in state.getDestinationValueList():
destination_state = available_transition.getDestinationValue()
if destination_state is None:
# take care of 'remain in state' transitions
destination_state = state
key = (state.getId(), destination_state.getId())
value = transition_dict.get(key, [])
transition_dict[key] = value
# iterate also on transitions, and add transitions with no initial state
for transition in self.objectValues(portal_type='Transition'):
trans_id = transition.getId()
if trans_id not in transition_with_init_state_list:
destination_state = transition.getDestinationValue()
if destination_state is None:
dest_state_id = None
dest_state_id = destination_state.getId()
key = (None, dest_state_id)
value = transition_dict.get(key, [])
transition_dict[key] = value
for k, v in transition_dict.items():
out.append('%s -> %s [label="%s"];' % (k[0], k[1],
return '\n'.join(out)
def Guard_checkWithoutRoles(self, sm, wf_def, ob, **kw):
"""Checks conditions in this guard.
This function is the same as Guard.check, but roles are not taken
......@@ -170,72 +170,3 @@ class Worklist(IdAsReferenceMixin("worklist_", "prefix"), XMLObject):
if isinstance(values, Expression):
return values.text
return '; '.join(values)
def setProperties(self, description,
actbox_name='', actbox_url='', actbox_category='global',
actbox_icon='', props=None, REQUEST=None):
if props is None:
props = REQUEST
self.description = str(description)
for key in self.getAvailableCatalogVars():
# Populate var_matches.
# add field in real time
fieldname = 'var_match_%s' % key
v = props.get(fieldname, '')
if v:
if not self.var_matches:
self.var_matches = PersistentMapping()
if tales_re.match(v).group(1):
# Found a TALES prefix
self.var_matches[key] = Expression(v)
# Falling back to formatted string
v = [ var.strip() for var in v.split(';') ]
self.var_matches[key] = tuple(v)
if self.var_matches and self.var_matches.has_key(key):
del self.var_matches[key]
self.actbox_name = str(actbox_name)
self.actbox_url = str(actbox_url)
self.actbox_category = str(actbox_category)
self.actbox_icon = str(actbox_icon)
g = Guard()
if g.changeFromProperties(props or REQUEST):
self.guard = g
self.guard = None
if REQUEST is not None:
return self.manage_properties(REQUEST, 'Properties changed.')
def search(self, info=None, **kw):
""" Perform the search corresponding to this worklist
Returns sequence of ZCatalog brains
- info is a mapping for resolving formatted string variable references
- additional keyword/value pairs may be used to restrict the query
if not self.var_matches:
if info is None:
info = {}
catalog = getToolByName(self, 'portal_catalog')
criteria = {}
for key, values in self.var_matches.items():
if isinstance(values, Expression):
wf = self.getParent()
portal = wf._getPortalRoot()
context = createExprContext(StateChangeInfo(portal, wf))
criteria[key] = values(context)
criteria[key] = [x % info for x in values]
return catalog.searchResults(**criteria)
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