Commit 5a421ff7 authored by wenjie.zheng's avatar wenjie.zheng add _executeMetaTransition.

parent e92dbdaa
......@@ -372,9 +372,9 @@ class Workflow(IdAsReferenceMixin("", "prefix"), XMLObject):
workflow_tool = portal.portal_workflow
result = []
append = result.append
if info.object.getTypeInfo() is not None:
for workflow_id in info.object.getTypeInfo().getTypeWorkflowList():
for workflow_id in info.object.getTypeInfo().getTypeWorkflowList():
return result
portal_type_list = getPortalTypeListForWorkflow(
......@@ -978,6 +978,75 @@ class Workflow(IdAsReferenceMixin("", "prefix"), XMLObject):
return etree.tostring(root, encoding='utf-8',
xml_declaration=True, pretty_print=True)
def _executeMetaTransition(self, ob, new_state_id):
Allow jumping from state to another without triggering any hooks.
Must be used only under certain conditions.
sci = None
econtext = None
tdef = None
kwargs = None
new_state_id_no_prefix = new_state_id
new_state_id = 'state_' + new_state_id
# Figure out the old and new states.
old_sdef = self._getWorkflowStateOf(ob)
if old_sdef is None:
old_state = self._getWorkflowStateOf(ob, id_only=True)
old_state = old_sdef.getId()
if old_state == new_state_id:
# Object is already in expected state
former_status = self._getStatusOf(ob)
new_sdef = self._getOb(new_state_id, None)
if new_sdef is None:
raise WorkflowException, ('Destination state undefined: ' + new_state_id)
# Update variables.
state_values = self.contentValues(portal_type='Variable')
if state_values is None:
state_values = {}
tdef_exprs = {}
status = {}
for id, vdef in self.getVariableValueList():
if not vdef.for_status:
expr = None
if state_values.has_key(id):
value = state_values[id]
elif tdef_exprs.has_key(id):
expr = tdef_exprs[id]
elif not vdef.update_always and former_status.has_key(id):
# Preserve former value
value = former_status[id]
if vdef.default_expr is not None:
expr = vdef.default_expr
value = vdef.default_value
if expr is not None:
# Evaluate an expression.
if econtext is None:
# Lazily create the expression context.
if sci is None:
sci = StateChangeInfo(ob, self, former_status, tdef, old_sdef,
new_sdef, kwargs)
econtext = createExprContext(sci)
value = expr(econtext)
status[id] = value
status['comment'] = 'Jump from %r to %r' % (old_state, new_state_id_no_prefix,)
status[self.getStateVariable()] = new_state_id_no_prefix
tool = self.getParent()
tool.setStatusOf(self.getId(), ob, status)
# Update role to permission assignments.
return new_sdef
def Guard_checkWithoutRoles(self, sm, wf_def, ob, **kw):
"""Checks conditions in this guard.
This function is the same as Guard.check, but roles are not taken
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