Commit e2d528db authored by wenjie.zheng's avatar wenjie.zheng don't trigger resetDynamic during workflow conversion to... don't trigger resetDynamic during workflow conversion to improve test performance.
parent cc024a10
......@@ -929,6 +929,7 @@ class ERP5TypeCommandLineTestCase(ERP5TypeTestCaseMixin):
def dynamicWorkflowConversion(self):
# Converting DCWorkflow dynamically
workflow_tool = self.getWorkflowTool()
type_workflow_dict = workflow_tool.getChainsByType()
type_tool = self.getTypesTool()
if workflow_tool:
for workflow_id in workflow_tool.objectIds():
......@@ -939,12 +940,28 @@ class ERP5TypeCommandLineTestCase(ERP5TypeTestCaseMixin):
workflow = workflow_tool._getOb(workflow_id)
if workflow.getPortalType() not in ['Workflow', 'Interaction Workflow', 'Configuration Workflow']:
new_workflow = workflow_tool.dc_workflow_asERP5Object(workflow_tool, workflow, temp=0)
# type-workflow reassignment
for ptype_id in type_workflow_dict:
ptype = type_tool._getOb(ptype_id, None)
if ptype is not None and workflow_id in type_workflow_dict[ptype_id]:
# 1. clean DC workflow assignement:
workflow_tool.delTypeCBT(ptype_id, workflow_id)
# 2. assign ERP5 Workflow to portal type:
if workflow_id not in ptype.getTypeWorkflowList():
# force convert edit_workflow: Why have to load edit_workflow this way?
edit_workflow = workflow_tool._getOb('edit_workflow', None)
if edit_workflow is not None:
new_workflow = workflow_tool.dc_workflow_asERP5Object(workflow_tool, edit_workflow, temp=0)
# type-workflow reassignment
for ptype_id in type_workflow_dict:
ptype = type_tool._getOb(ptype_id, None)
if ptype is not None and 'edit_workflow' in type_workflow_dict[ptype_id]:
# 1. clean DC workflow assignement:
workflow_tool.delTypeCBT(ptype_id, 'edit_workflow')
# 2. assign ERP5 Workflow to portal type:
if 'edit_workflow' not in ptype.getTypeWorkflowList():
# Reset the original workflows assignement order.
for type_value in sorted(type_tool.objectValues()):
type_value.workflow_list = tuple(reversed(type_value.workflow_list))
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