Commit 01192d69 authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Clarify README.

parent 3d3182ac
...@@ -17,22 +17,34 @@ This step is optional. ...@@ -17,22 +17,34 @@ This step is optional.
## Set up a TURN server ## Set up a TURN server
This step is optional, but unless you set up a TURN server, your server This step depends on your network setup and your user population. If your
will be inaccessible from most enterprise and many university networks. server is accessible from the Internet (no firewall or NAT) and none of
For best results, set up TURN over TCP on port 443 (HTTPS); if port 443 is your users are behind restrictive firewalls, then no ICE servers are
not available, port 1194 (OpenVPN) is a good choice. necessary. If your server is behind a NAT, a STUN server is required. If
any of your users are behind restrictive firewalls (which is usually the
The address of the TURN server is configured in the file case of Academic and Enterprise networks), then you will need a TURN
`data/ice-servers.json`. It should look like this: server running on an innocent-looking TCP port. This is the recommended
"urls":[""], You should probably be running your own TURN server — I use *coturn*. The
"username":"username", address of the TURN server is configured in the file `data/ice-servers.json`.
"credential":"password" It should look like this:
The *username* and *password* should be the same as the ones in your TURN {
server's configuration. "urls":[""],
The port number, username and password should be the same as the ones in
your TURN server's configuration.
## Set up a group ## Set up a group
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