Commit 14ce9ff3 authored by Kirill Smelkov's avatar Kirill Smelkov

gitlab-backup/restore: Review restoration commands + add way to actually run them on user request

- don't start/stop services - we assume appropriate services start/stop
  will be done bu invoker, and tell people to do so via dumping proper
  comments. (Rationale: services are start/stopped differently on
  different systems, e.g. in omnibus and in slapos)

- mv in repositories atomically with just 1 mv + fix case when there was
  no repositories/ previously at all.

- adjust `gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore` with force=yes, so it does
  not interactively ask about whether ok to restore ssh keys - just do it.

- add `-go` option to actually run gitlab restoration in addition to
  preparing backup files.

/cc @kazuhiko
parent a8ba07d5
......@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ backup_pull() {
backup_restore() {
......@@ -283,20 +284,49 @@ backup_restore() {
# extraction complete - now proceed with actual backup restore
# (which is mv repositories dir + load db)
echo "Extraction complete. To actually restore data please do"
echo "# TODO check, and make this run automatically"
cat << EOF
RESTORE=$(cat << EOF
gitlab-ctl stop unicorn
gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq
mv ${GITLAB_REPOS_PATH}.${backup_created_at} ${GITLAB_REPOS_PATH}
gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=$backup_created_at
gitlab-ctl start
gitlab-rake gitlab:satellites:create # will go away after gitlab 8.0
gitlab-rake gitlab:check SANITIZE=true
# we assume gitlab services that touch git repositories and db are stopped by
# user who invokes 'gitlab-backup restore -go ...'
# on gitlab-omnibus it can be done this way:
# gitlab-ctl stop gitlab-workhorse
# gitlab-ctl stop unicorn
# gitlab-ctl stop sidekiq
# restore repos:
mv -b -S ".old.`date +%s`" -T "$reposX" ${GITLAB_REPOS_PATH}
# restore db + other gitlab stuff:
gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=$backup_created_at force=yes
# final advice to restart and check gitlab:
# gitlab-ctl start
# gitlab-rake gitlab:check SANITIZE=true
echo "Extraction complete. To actually restore data please do"
echo "---- 8< ----"
echo "$RESTORE"
echo "---- 8< ----"
if [ "$go" = y ]; then
echo "... Actually restoring data with the above commands"
# run the commands with original user umask
# ( gitlab uses tar to unpack backup archive, and tar by default respect
# umask. So even if we have correct permissiosn inside tar.gz, with
# restrictive umask it will be made restrictive anyway )
umask $UMASK
eval "$RESTORE"
umask $umask_save
......@@ -316,11 +346,12 @@ fi
# we are working with potentially sensitive data
# -> limit what could be read to current user only
umask 0077 # XXX maybe not good - e.g. git-data/repositories should (?) be rwxrwx---
usage() {
echo "Usage: gitlab-backup [pull | restore (-vupok) <commit-ish>]"
echo "Usage: gitlab-backup [pull | restore (-vupok, -go) <commit-ish>]"
......@@ -334,11 +365,15 @@ case "$action" in
vupok=n # gitlab version >= backup's gitlab version is ok
go=n # actually run gitlab restoration in additon to preparing backup files
while test $# != 0; do
case "$1" in
die `usage`
......@@ -350,7 +385,7 @@ case "$action" in
test $# -lt 1 && die `usage`
backup_restore "$1" $vupok
backup_restore "$1" $vupok $go
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