Commit 5e845eb4 authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Send FIR if initial keyframe is too old.

parent a189e0ad
......@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ func (up *rtpUpConnection) sendPLI(track *rtpUpTrack) error {
last := atomic.LoadUint64(&track.lastPLI)
now := rtptime.Jiffies()
if now >= last && now-last < rtptime.JiffiesPerSec/5 {
if now >= last && now-last < rtptime.JiffiesPerSec/2 {
return ErrRateLimited
atomic.StoreUint64(&track.lastPLI, now)
......@@ -492,7 +492,7 @@ func (up *rtpUpConnection) sendFIR(track *rtpUpTrack, increment bool) error {
last := atomic.LoadUint64(&track.lastFIR)
now := rtptime.Jiffies()
if now >= last && now-last < rtptime.JiffiesPerSec/5 {
if now >= last && now-last < rtptime.JiffiesPerSec/2 {
return ErrRateLimited
atomic.StoreUint64(&track.lastFIR, now)
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
......@@ -208,17 +209,12 @@ func (writer *rtpWriter) add(track conn.DownTrack, add bool, max int) error {
func sendKeyframe(track conn.DownTrack, cache *packetcache.Cache) {
_, _, kf := cache.Keyframe()
if len(kf) == 0 {
func sendKeyframe(kf []uint16, track conn.DownTrack, cache *packetcache.Cache) {
buf := make([]byte, packetcache.BufSize)
var packet rtp.Packet
for _, seqno := range kf {
bytes := cache.Get(seqno, buf)
if(bytes == 0) {
if bytes == 0 {
err := packet.Unmarshal(buf[:bytes])
......@@ -237,13 +233,16 @@ func sendKeyframe(track conn.DownTrack, cache *packetcache.Cache) {
func rtpWriterLoop(writer *rtpWriter, up *rtpUpConnection, track *rtpUpTrack) {
defer close(writer.done)
codec := track.track.Codec().Name
buf := make([]byte, packetcache.BufSize)
var packet rtp.Packet
local := make([]conn.DownTrack, 0)
// reset whenever a new track is inserted
firSent := false
// 3 means we want a new keyframe, 2 means we already sent FIR but
// haven't gotten a keyframe yet, 1 means we want a PLI.
kfNeeded := 0
for {
select {
......@@ -258,7 +257,6 @@ func rtpWriterLoop(writer *rtpWriter, up *rtpUpConnection, track *rtpUpTrack) { <- nil
firSent = false
ntp := track.srNTPTime
rtp := track.srRTPTime
......@@ -270,7 +268,26 @@ func rtpWriterLoop(writer *rtpWriter, up *rtpUpConnection, track *rtpUpTrack) {
if cname != "" {
go sendKeyframe(action.track, track.cache)
found, _, lts := track.cache.Last()
kts, _, kf := track.cache.Keyframe()
if codec == webrtc.VP8 && found && len(kf) > 0 {
if ((lts-kts)&0x80000000) != 0 ||
lts-kts < 2*90000 {
// we got a recent keyframe
go sendKeyframe(
} else {
// Request a new keyframe
kfNeeded = 3
} else {
// no keyframe yet, one should
// arrive soon. Do nothing.
} else {
found := false
for i, t := range local {
......@@ -306,12 +323,11 @@ func rtpWriterLoop(writer *rtpWriter, up *rtpUpConnection, track *rtpUpTrack) {
kfNeeded := false
for _, l := range local {
err := l.WriteRTP(&packet)
if err != nil {
if err == conn.ErrKeyframeNeeded {
kfNeeded = true
kfNeeded = 1
} else {
......@@ -319,12 +335,27 @@ func rtpWriterLoop(writer *rtpWriter, up *rtpUpConnection, track *rtpUpTrack) {
if kfNeeded {
err := up.sendFIR(track, !firSent)
if kfNeeded > 0 {
kf := false
switch codec {
case webrtc.VP8:
kf = isVP8Keyframe(&packet)
kf = true
if kf {
kfNeeded = 0
if kfNeeded >= 2 {
err := up.sendFIR(track, kfNeeded >= 3)
if err == ErrUnsupportedFeedback {
firSent = true
kfNeeded = 2
} else if kfNeeded > 0 {
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