Commit 7183730a authored by Juliusz Chroboczek's avatar Juliusz Chroboczek

Make the default list of ICE servers empty, update docs.

parent 6a4784da
# Installation
Build the server binary:
## Build the server binary
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags='-s -w'
Create a server certificate:
## Create a server certificate
mkdir data
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout data/key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out data/cert.pem
Set the server administrator's username and password (optional):
## Set the server administrator credentials
This step is optional.
echo 'god:topsecret' > data/passwd
Configure the list of STUN and TURN servers (optional):
## Set up a TURN server
This step is optional, but unless you set up a TURN server, your server
will be inaccessible from most enterprise and many university networks.
For best results, set up TURN over TCP on port 443 (HTTPS); if port 443 is
not available, port 1194 (OpenVPN) is a good choice.
The address of the TURN server is configured in the file
`data/ice-servers.json`. It should look like this:
vi data/ice-servers.json
The *username* and *password* should be the same as the ones in your TURN
server's configuration.
Set up a group
## Set up a group
A group is set up by creating a file `groups/name.json`. The available
options are described below.
mkdir groups
vi groups/public.json
......@@ -29,16 +49,25 @@ Set up a group
Copy the necessary files to your server:
## Copy the necessary files to your server:
Assuming you have set up a user *sfu*:
rsync -a sfu static data groups
rsync -a sfu static data sfu@groups
Run the server binary:
## Run the server binary:
cd /home/sfu/
nohup ./sfu &
If you are using *runit*, use a script like the following:
exec 2>&1
cd ~sfu
exec setuidgid sfu ./sfu
If you are using *systemd*, use `Type=simple` in your service file.
# Locations
......@@ -98,7 +127,7 @@ specifies that any username will do. The empty dictionary
specifies that any username will do and that password are not verified.
specifies that any username will do and that passwords are not verified.
# Commands
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