Commit 539e1112 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

Remove useless '_profile_base_location_' entry from shared signature

The value was always '${:_profile_base_location_}'
parent 09e68ba5
......@@ -48,10 +48,12 @@ class Recipe(object):
buildout_directory = buildout['buildout']['directory']
profile_base_location = options.get('_profile_base_location_', '')
for k, v in sorted(options.items()):
# Key not vary on profile base location
if profile_base_location:
v = v.replace(profile_base_location, '${:_profile_base_location_}')
self._signature.update(k, v)
if k != '_profile_base_location_':
# Key not vary on profile base location
if profile_base_location:
v = v.replace(profile_base_location,
self._signature.update(k, v)
signature_digest = self._signature.hexdigest()
for x in shared.splitlines():
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