Commit 8b88d0a4 authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

Avoid calling checkConsistency constraint providers.

They use the same method name to do another task: check consistency on passed
object. Thus it is impossible to check consistency on them.
parent f62de40f
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......@@ -1394,6 +1394,10 @@ class Folder(CopyContainer, CMFBTreeFolder, CMFHBTreeFolder, Base, FolderMixIn):
# Then check the consistency on all sub objects
for obj in self.contentValues():
if obj.providesIConstraint():
# it is not possible to checkConsistency of Constraint itself, as method
# of this name implement consistency checking on object
if fixit:
extra_errors = obj.fixConsistency(filter=filter, **kw)
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