1. 20 May, 2019 2 commits
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    • Tristan Cavelier's avatar
      Add support of OnlyOffice document (as ziplike file) · a985974c
      Tristan Cavelier authored
      Originaly, the y format (docy, xlsy, ppty) is a file extension that is use by an OnlyOffice document.
      An OnlyOffice document is composed by : 
      - a file with extension in (docy, xlsy, ppty)
      - a separate media folder containing media files (Ex: media/image1.png)
      Several problems : 
      - Two documents cannot be in the same folder
      - How to send / get from Cloudooo to ERP5 ?
      - The document cannot be stored easily in ERP5 (embedded files ? seperate images linked to the document by predecessors ??)
      - How to download an OnlyOffice document from ERP5 ? How to load it on OfficeJS ?
      To solve, we embbed all the files composing the document into one zip (like docx, odt, ...) : 
      - Two documents can be in the same folder
      - We send / get from Cloudooo as usual with portal transform
      - The document can be stored in File data in ERP5 like any other docx document.
      - document.getData allows to download the document data and JSZip can be used to extract easily the body in OfficeJS.
      To keep backward compatibility, a docy can be : 
      - the OnlyOffice document body (`startsWith("DOCY;v2;")`)
      - can be a zip file (`startsWith("PK\x03\x04")`) containing one file at the root of the archive + optional media folder
      /reviewed-on nexedi/cloudooo!8
    • Tristan Cavelier's avatar
      x2t: add docy tests with image · f6eb36a4
      Tristan Cavelier authored