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Commit 54b4a987 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

Movement_getPriceCalculationOperandDict: Use a SimpleQuery instead of raw SQL

parent c31215a1
from Products.ZSQLCatalog.SQLCatalog import SimpleQuery
def getResourceInternalPriceSortKeyMethod(high_priority_supply_line_list):
def resourceInternalPriceSortKeyMethod(a):
high_priority_supply_line_list_len = len(high_priority_supply_line_list)
......@@ -70,9 +72,9 @@ def getOptimisedPriceCalculationOperandDict(default=None, context=None, **kw):
for key in preferences.getPreferredPricingSupplyPathKeyCategoryList():
key_uid = '%s_uid' % key
supply_kw['default_%s' % key_uid] = context.getProperty(key_uid)
supply_uid_list = [str(brain.uid) for brain in context.portal_catalog(**supply_kw)]
if len(supply_uid_list):
kw['query'] = ' catalog.uid IN (%s)' % ','.join(supply_uid_list)
supply_uid_list = [brain.uid for brain in context.portal_catalog(**supply_kw)]
if supply_uid_list:
kw['query'] = SimpleQuery(uid=supply_uid_list)
return default
return resource.getPriceCalculationOperandDict(default=default, context=context, **kw)
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