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Commit b22ed36e authored by Jérome Perrin's avatar Jérome Perrin

ERP5: implement Telephone.asURL for non-detailed coordinates

Telephone.asUrl (which is used in erp5_short_message) properly supported
detailed coordinates, but had no support for coordinate text.

In that case, we don't try to be to clever and just use the coordinate
(almost) as is, just using the tel: prefix and removing spaces which are
not legal.
parent e845c27f
......@@ -356,6 +356,11 @@ class Telephone(Coordinate):
"""Returns a text representation of the Url if defined
or None else.
if not self.isDetailed():
coordinate_text = self.getCoordinateText()
if coordinate_text:
return 'tel:%s' % coordinate_text.replace(' ', '')
telephone_country = self.getTelephoneCountry()
if telephone_country is not None:
url_string = '+%s' % telephone_country
......@@ -333,10 +333,21 @@ class TestERP5Coordinate(ERP5TypeTestCase):
self.assertEqual('tel:+33123456789', tel.asURL())
tel = pers.newContent(portal_type='Telephone')
self.assertEqual('tel:0123456789', tel.asURL())
tel = pers.newContent(portal_type='Telephone')
self.assertEqual('tel:+33123456789', tel.asURL())
# from rfc3966
# """ "tel" URIs MUST NOT use spaces in visual separators to avoid
# excessive escaping."""
tel = pers.newContent(portal_type='Telephone')
tel.setCoordinateText('01 23 45 67 89')
self.assertEqual('tel:0123456789', tel.asURL())
def test_EmptyTelephoneAsText(self):
# asText method returns an empty string for empty telephones
pers = self.getPersonModule().newContent(portal_type='Person')
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