Commit 17e0e3a3 authored by Oleg.Korshul's avatar Oleg.Korshul Committed by Alexander Trofimov

fonts dictionary

git-svn-id: svn://fileserver/activex/AVS/Sources/TeamlabOffice/trunk/ServerComponents@56327 954022d7-b5bf-4e40-9824-e11837661b57
parent 1f68bd26
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "freetype\ftxf86.h"
#include "TimeMeasurer.h"
#include "../../../../DesktopEditor/freetype_names/FontMaps/FontDictionaryWorker.h"
static _bstr_t g_cpszXML_Font_Name = L"name";
static _bstr_t g_cpszXML_Font_Bold = L"bold";
......@@ -1103,6 +1104,11 @@ public:
bool bIsCorrectFromDict = NSFontDictionary::CorrectParamsFromDictionary(wsFamilyName, bBold, bItalic,
bFixedWidth, pPanose, ulRange1, ulRange2, ulRange3, ulRange4, ulCodeRange1, ulCodeRange2, usWeight, usWidth,
sFamilyClass, shAvgCharWidth, shAscent, shDescent, shLineGap, shXHeight, shCapHeight, bIsStyle,
bIsFixed, bIsPanose, bIsRanges, bIsWeight, bIsWidth, bIsFamilyClass, bIsAvgWidth, bIsAscent, bIsDescent, bIsLineGap, bIsXHeight, bIsCapHeight);
int nMinIndex = 0; //
int nMinPenalty = 0; //
......@@ -1119,12 +1125,12 @@ public:
ULONG arrCandRanges[6] = { pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange1, pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange2, pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange3, pInfo->m_ulUnicodeRange4, pInfo->m_ulCodePageRange1, pInfo->m_ulCodePageRange2 };
//if ( bIsRanges )
// ULONG arrReqRanges[6] = { ulRange1, ulRange2, ulRange3, ulRange4, ulCodeRange1, ulCodeRange2 };
if ( bIsRanges && bIsCorrectFromDict )
ULONG arrReqRanges[6] = { ulRange1, ulRange2, ulRange3, ulRange4, ulCodeRange1, ulCodeRange2 };
// nCurPenalty += GetSigPenalty( arrCandRanges, arrReqRanges );
nCurPenalty += GetSigPenalty( arrCandRanges, arrReqRanges );
if ( bIsFixed )
nCurPenalty += GetFixedPitchPenalty( pInfo->m_bIsFixed, bFixedWidth );
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