Commit 22ede0c3 authored by Boris Kocherov's avatar Boris Kocherov

use system boost

parent 83524c37
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/boost_1_58_0
......@@ -12,29 +11,45 @@ core_boost_shared {
core_boost_libs {
core_windows {
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/boost_1_58_0
core_debug {
LIBS += -L$$CORE_BOOST_LIBS -llibboost_system-vc120-mt-gd-1_58 -llibboost_filesystem-vc120-mt-gd-1_58
core_release {
LIBS += -L$$CORE_BOOST_LIBS -llibboost_system-vc120-mt-1_58 -llibboost_filesystem-vc120-mt-1_58
} else {
core_mac {
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/boost_1_58_0
LIBS += -L$$CORE_BOOST_LIBS -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem
core_linux {
LIBS += -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem
core_boost_regex {
core_windows {
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/boost_1_58_0
core_debug {
LIBS += -L$$CORE_BOOST_LIBS -llibboost_regex-vc120-mt-gd-1_58
core_release {
LIBS += -L$$CORE_BOOST_LIBS -llibboost_regex-vc120-mt-1_58
} else {
LIBS += -L$$CORE_BOOST_LIBS -lboost_regex
core_mac {
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/boost_1_58_0
LIBS += -L$$CORE_BOOST_LIBS -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem
core_linux {
LIBS += -lboost_regex
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