Commit 64d6c3c8 authored by ElenaSubbotina's avatar ElenaSubbotina


parent 9e639ec6
......@@ -195,6 +195,9 @@ static const struct ActionNamesEmf
m_oStream >> ulType;
m_oStream >> ulSize;
if (ulSize < 1)
m_ulRecordPos = m_oStream.Tell();
m_ulRecordSize = ulSize - 8;
......@@ -1074,7 +1077,7 @@ static const struct ActionNamesEmf
m_oStream.Skip(4); // offBits
m_oStream.Skip(4); // cbBits
m_ulRecordSize -= 20;
unsigned int current_size = m_ulRecordSize - 20;
CEmfLogPen* pPen = new CEmfLogPen();
if (!pPen)
......@@ -1088,10 +1091,10 @@ static const struct ActionNamesEmf
m_oStream.Skip(4); // BrushHatch
m_oStream >> pPen->NumStyleEntries;
m_ulRecordSize -= 24;
current_size -= 24;
if (pPen->NumStyleEntries > 0)
m_ulRecordSize -= pPen->NumStyleEntries * 4;
current_size -= pPen->NumStyleEntries * 4;
pPen->StyleEntry = new unsigned int[pPen->NumStyleEntries];
if (!pPen->StyleEntry)
......@@ -1110,7 +1113,7 @@ static const struct ActionNamesEmf
// Пропускаем часть с картинкой, если она была
m_oPlayer.RegisterObject(ulPenIndex, (CEmfObjectBase*)pPen);
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