Commit 7d321f25 authored by ElenaSubbotina's avatar ElenaSubbotina Committed by Alexander Trofimov

TxtFile - bug #32257, конвертация табов (в обе стороны), возвращена конвертация через локаль.

parent 303a13a9
......@@ -4,20 +4,28 @@
#include "Encoding.h"
#include "Utility.h"
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64)
#include <windows.h>
#include <iconv.h>
#include "../../../Common/DocxFormat/Source/Base/unicode_util.h"
#include "../../../UnicodeConverter/UnicodeConverter.h"
#include "../../../UnicodeConverter/UnicodeConverter_Encodings.h"
//#include <boost/locale.hpp>
//#include <boost/locale/conversion.hpp>
#include <locale>
const std::wstring Encoding::ansi2unicode(const std::string& line)
return std::wstring(line.begin(), line.end());//cp2unicode(line, CP_ACP);
if (line.empty())
return std::wstring();
std::locale loc("");
std::ctype<wchar_t> const &facet = std::use_facet<std::ctype<wchar_t> >(loc);
std::wstring result;
facet.widen(line.c_str(), line.c_str() + line.size(), &result[0]);
return result;
const std::wstring Encoding::cp2unicode(const std::string& sline, const unsigned int nCodepage)
......@@ -89,7 +97,17 @@ const std::wstring Encoding::utf82unicode(const std::string& line)
const std::string Encoding::unicode2ansi(const std::wstring& line)
return std::string(line.begin(), line.end());
if (line.empty())
return std::string();
std::locale loc("");
std::ctype<wchar_t> const &facet = std::use_facet<std::ctype<wchar_t> >(loc);
std::string result;
facet.narrow(line.c_str(), line.c_str() + line.size(), '?', &result[0]);
return result;
const std::string Encoding::unicode2utf8(const std::wstring& line)
......@@ -443,7 +443,11 @@ namespace Docx2Txt
if ((run->m_oRunProperty) && (run->m_oRunProperty->m_oCaps.Init()) && (run->m_oRunProperty->m_oCaps->m_oVal.ToBool())) caps = true;
std::wstring wstr;
if (run->m_arrItems[j]->getType() == OOX::et_w_t)
if (run->m_arrItems[j]->getType() == OOX::et_w_tab)
wstr = L"\x09";
else if (run->m_arrItems[j]->getType() == OOX::et_w_t)
OOX::Logic::CText* text = dynamic_cast<OOX::Logic::CText*>(run->m_arrItems[j]);
wstr = string2std_string(text->m_sText);
......@@ -73,71 +73,63 @@ namespace Txt2Docx
if (!m_inputFile.m_listContent.empty() /*&& pFile.IsInit() && OOX::FileTypes::Document == pFile->type()*/)
//pDocument = (OOX::CDocument*)pFile.operator->();
int percent = 100000;
int step = 800000 / m_inputFile.m_listContentSize; // !!!!!
bool cancel = Event.Progress(0, 100000);
OOX::Logic::ParagraphProperty pPr;
OOX::Logic::Spacing space;
space.After = 0;
space.Line = 240;
space.LineRule = "auto";
pPr.Spacing = space;
OOX::Logic::RFonts rFont;
rFont.Ascii = "Courier New";
rFont.HAnsi = "Courier New";
rFont.Cs = "Courier New";
OOX::Logic::RunProperty rPr;
rPr.RFonts = rFont;
pPr.RunProperty = rPr;
OOX::Logic::Paragraph paragraph;
paragraph.Property = pPr;
for (std::list<std::wstring>::iterator line = m_inputFile.m_listContent.begin(); line != m_inputFile.m_listContent.end(); line++)
//OOX::Logic::ParagraphProperty pPr;
//OOX::Logic::Spacing space;
//space.After = 0;
//space.Line = 240;
//space.LineRule = "auto";
//pPr.Spacing = space;
//OOX::Logic::RFonts rFont;
//rFont.Ascii = "Courier New";
//rFont.HAnsi = "Courier New";
//rFont.Cs = "Courier New";
ComplexTypes::Word::CSpacing space;
ComplexTypes::Word::CFonts font;
space.m_oAfter.Init(); space.m_oAfter->FromString(L"0");
space.m_oLine.Init(); space.m_oLine->FromString(L"240");
space.m_oLineRule.Init(); space.m_oLineRule->SetValue(SimpleTypes::linespacingruleAuto);
font.m_sAscii.Init(); *font.m_sAscii = "Courier New";
font.m_sHAnsi.Init(); *font.m_sHAnsi = "Courier New";
font.m_sCs.Init(); *font.m_sCs = "Courier New";
//OOX::Logic::RunProperty rPr;
//rPr.RFonts = rFont;
//pPr.RunProperty = rPr;
for (std::list<std::wstring>::iterator line = m_inputFile.m_listContent.begin(); line != m_inputFile.m_listContent.end(); line++)
OOX::Logic::CParagraph *paragraph = new OOX::Logic::CParagraph();
OOX::Logic::CParagraphProperty *pPr = new OOX::Logic::CParagraphProperty();
OOX::Logic::CRunProperty *rPr = new OOX::Logic::CRunProperty();
//OOX::Logic::Paragraph paragraph;
//paragraph.Property = pPr;
rPr->m_oRFonts = font;
pPr->m_oSpacing = space;
pPr->m_oRPr = *rPr;
OOX::Logic::CParagraph *temp = new OOX::Logic::CParagraph();
paragraph->m_oParagraphProperty = pPr; //
while(line->find(_T("\x08")) != line->npos)
line->erase(line->find(_T("\x08")), 1);//, "");
if(line->length() > 0)
while(line->find(_T("\x09")) != line->npos)
CString s = PrepareToXML(*line);
temp->AddText(s);//, rPr);
int pos = line->find(_T("\x09"));
if (pos > 0)
std::wstring s = line->substr(0, pos - 1);
if (!s.empty())
OOX::Logic::CRunProperty *rPr_ = new OOX::Logic::CRunProperty();
rPr_->m_oRFonts = font;
paragraph->AddText(PrepareToXML(s), rPr_);
line->erase(0, pos + 1);
if (!line->empty())
paragraph->AddText(PrepareToXML(*line), rPr);
percent += step;
cancel = Event.Progress(0, percent);
......@@ -63,9 +63,11 @@ namespace Txt
// listContentUnicode = file.readUnicodeWithOutBOM();
if(-1 == m_nEncoding)
if (-1 == m_nEncoding)
m_listContent = _transform(file.readAnsiOrCodePage(), Encoding::utf82unicode);
else if (1000 == m_nEncoding)
m_listContent = _transform(file.readAnsiOrCodePage(), Encoding::ansi2unicode);
m_listContent = _transform2(file.readAnsiOrCodePage(), m_nEncoding, Encoding::cp2unicode);
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
if (argc < 3) return 0;
std::wstring sXMLOptions = _T("<Options><TXTOptions><Encoding>2</Encoding></TXTOptions></Options>");
std::wstring sXMLOptions = _T("<Options><TXTOptions><Encoding>1000</Encoding></TXTOptions></Options>");
std::wstring srcFileName = argv[1];
std::wstring dstFileName = argv[2];
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
if (ext_1 == _T("txt"))
// txt->docx
if (S_OK != txtFile.txt_LoadFromFile(srcFileName, dstTempPath, L""/*sXMLOptions*/))
if (S_OK != txtFile.txt_LoadFromFile(srcFileName, dstTempPath, sXMLOptions))
return 2;
if (S_OK != oCOfficeUtils.CompressFileOrDirectory(dstTempPath.c_str(), dstFileName.c_str(), -1))
......@@ -313,7 +313,10 @@ namespace OOX
pText->m_oSpace->SetValue( SimpleTypes::xmlspacePreserve );
if ( pProperty )
((CRun*)pR)->m_arrItems.push_back( (WritingElement*)pProperty );
((CRun*)pR)->m_oRunProperty = pProperty;//
((CRun*)pR)->m_arrItems.push_back( pT );
......@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ namespace TiffCompression
namespace EncodingType
const int Utf8 = 0;
const int Unicode = 1;
const int Ansi = 2;
const int BigEndian = 3;
//from unicodeconverter_encodings.h
const int Utf8 = 46;
const int Unicode = 50;
const int Ansi = 1000;
const int BigEndian = 51;
#define PERMISSION_PRINT ( 1 << 2 ) //
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