Commit 48ce8d50 authored by Antoine Catton's avatar Antoine Catton
Browse files

Refactor urlparse_ into _urlparse which is more pythonic.

parent bc9ce844
......@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ setup(name=name,
'sshkeys_authority.request = slapos.recipe.sshkeys_authority:Request',
'stunnel = slapos.recipe.stunnel:Recipe',
'testnode = slapos.recipe.testnode:Recipe',
'urlparse = slapos.recipe.urlparse_:Recipe',
'urlparse = slapos.recipe._urlparse:Recipe',
'vifib = slapos.recipe.vifib:Recipe',
'xwiki = slapos.recipe.xwiki:Recipe',
'zabbixagent = slapos.recipe.zabbixagent:Recipe',
File moved
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