textNoLicenseTitle:'License expired or not found',
textNoLicenseTitle:'License expired or not found',
warnNoLicense:'The license could not be found or expired. You cannot edit files.<br>Click \'Buy now\' to purchase Enterprise Edition license or \'Contact us\' if you use Integration Edition.',
warnNoLicense:'The license could not be found or expired. You cannot edit files.<br>Click \'Buy now\' to purchase Enterprise Edition license or \'Contact us\' if you use Integration Edition.',
textContactUs:'Contact us'
textContactUs:'Contact us',
confirmPutMergeRange:'The source data contains merged cells.<br>They will be unmerged before they are pasted into the table.'
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.warnDownloadAs":"If you continue saving in this format all features except the text will be lost.<br>Are you sure you want to continue?",
"SSE.Controllers.LeftMenu.warnDownloadAs":"If you continue saving in this format all features except the text will be lost.<br>Are you sure you want to continue?",
"SSE.Controllers.Main.confirmMoveCellRange":"The destination cell range can contain data. Continue the operation?",
"SSE.Controllers.Main.confirmMoveCellRange":"The destination cell range can contain data. Continue the operation?",
"SSE.Controllers.Main.confirmPutMergeRange":"The source data contains merged cells.<br>They will be unmerged before they are pasted into the table.",