Commit 6167b5cb authored by Łukasz Nowak's avatar Łukasz Nowak

Stabilise test.

No credential request is automatic, only approval, so submit credential request.

Setup assignment, in order to have loggable user.
parent 137bf7ec
......@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ class TestERP5Credential(ERP5TypeTestCase):
def test_05_automaticCredentialUpdateApproval(self):
if the property preferred_credential_request_automatic_approval is True on
if the property preferred_credential_update_automatic_approval is True on
System Preference object. it means that the Credential Update object
should be accepted automatically and account created without any human
......@@ -857,7 +857,9 @@ class TestERP5Credential(ERP5TypeTestCase):
sequence_list = SequenceList()
sequence_string = 'SetPersonCredentialUpdateAutomaticApprovalPreferences '\
'SetCredentialAssignmentPropertyList '\
'CreateSimpleSubscriptionRequest '\
'SubmitSubscriptionRequest Tic '\
'AcceptSubscriptionRequest Tic '\
'CheckAccountIsCreated '\
'CreateCredentialUpdate Tic '\
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