Commit a10c194f authored by Titouan Soulard's avatar Titouan Soulard

erp5_api_style: FIXUP rewrite

parent 363ad043
......@@ -38,25 +38,25 @@ from erp5.component.document.WebSection import WebSection
ALLOWED_MODES = ["put", "get", "post", "allDocs"]
class jIOTraverseErrorWrapper(object):
class jIOAPITraverseErrorWrapper(object):
JSON error object, to avoid ERP5 default error pages.
Publishable but non-Persistent and without Acquisition.
def __init__(self, context, portal):
self.context = context
def __init__(self, error_context, portal):
self.error_context = error_context
self.portal = portal
# Used for debugging, especially in tests
def __str__(self):
return str(self.context)
return str(self.error_context)
def __call__(self):
portal = self.portal
# Skin used to allow replacement and because Manager proxy role is needed
class jIOMethod(object):
......@@ -77,23 +77,25 @@ class jIOMethod(object):
return self.web_section.ERP5Site_asjIOStyle(
except Exception as e:
error_context = {
"error_code": 500,
"error_name": "API-INTERNAL-ERROR"
"error_name": "API-INTERNAL-ERROR",
"error_message": str(e)
# This NotFound catches instance of objects not found inside API call
if isinstance(e, NotFound):
error_context["error_code"] = 404
error_context["error_name"] = "API-NOT-FOUND"
error_context["error_message"] = str(e)
elif isinstance(e, Unauthorized):
error_context["error_code"] = 403
error_context["error_name"] = "API-UNAUTHORIZED"
# Avoid information leak when Unauthorized
del error_context["error_message"]
# Skin used to allow replacement and because Manager proxy role is needed
......@@ -112,15 +114,14 @@ class jIOWebSection(WebSection):
acquiring it from the current section or its parents.
section = aq_inner(self)
while section.getPortalType() in ('Web Section', 'Web Site', 'Static Web Section', 'Static Web Site',
'jIO Web Section'):
while section.getPortalType() in ("Web Section", "Web Site", "Static Web Section", "Static Web Site", "jIO Web Section"):
result = section.getProperty(key, MARKER)
if result not in (MARKER, None):
return result
section = section.aq_parent
return default
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, '__bobo_traverse__')
security.declareProtected(Permissions.View, "_bobo_traverse__")
def __bobo_traverse__(self, request, name):
if name in ALLOWED_MODES:
return jIOMethod(name, self)
......@@ -138,6 +139,6 @@ class jIOWebSection(WebSection):
"error_name": "NotFound",
"text_content": request.get("BODY")
document = jIOTraverseErrorWrapper(error_context, self.getPortalObject())
document = jIOAPITraverseErrorWrapper(error_context, self.getPortalObject())
return document
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