Commit 9d6bd566 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

slapos.cli.boot: remove code duplication

......@@ -159,11 +159,8 @@ class BootCommand(ConfigCommand):
master_hostname = master_url.hostname
# Check that we have IPv6 ready
if configp.get('slapformat','ipv6_interface'):
interface_name = configp.get('slapformat','ipv6_interface')
interface_name = configp.get('slapformat','interface_name')
_waitIpv6Ready(configp.get('slapformat', 'ipv6_interface') or
configp.get('slapformat', 'interface_name'))
# Check that node can ping master
if valid_ipv4(master_hostname):
......@@ -176,17 +173,13 @@ class BootCommand(ConfigCommand):
app = SlapOSApp()
# Make sure slapos node format returns ok
is_ready = _runFormat(app)
while is_ready == 0:
while not _runFormat(app):
print "[BOOT] [ERROR] Fail to format, try again in 15 seconds..."
is_ready = _runFormat(app)
# Make sure slapos node bang returns ok
is_ready = _runBang(app)
while is_ready == 0:
while not _runBang(app):
print "[BOOT] [ERROR] Fail to bang, try again in 15 seconds..."
is_ready = _runBang(app)
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