1. 24 Oct, 2012 36 commits
  2. 23 Oct, 2012 4 commits
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar
      Cover more cases. · 37db91b1
      Łukasz Nowak authored
      Prove that trying to request with same title will fail (test_request_sameTitle).
      Prove that shared parameter is correctly supported and system complains in case
      if its type is incorrect (test_request_shared_True and test_request_shared_unsupported).
      Prove that indexation will not result in damaged system (test_request_unindexed).
      Prove that in case of normal request with same coordinates same instance is returned
      Prove that in case if there is damage in system (same tree contains one then
      more instance with same title) no more requests will be allowed (test_request_duplicated).
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar
      Speedup preparation. · 1995f3c0
      Łukasz Nowak authored
      Jump directly into proper inital state of the tree.
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar
    • Łukasz Nowak's avatar