Commit 4ba58a5e authored by claes's avatar claes

Severity O added, not printed in wb_cmd

parent 860d6b93
* Proview $Id: co_msgwindow.cpp,v 1.8 2005-12-15 07:41:17 claes Exp $
* Proview $Id: co_msgwindow.cpp,v 1.9 2006-05-24 06:59:47 claes Exp $
* Copyright (C) 2005 SSAB Oxelsund AB.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
......@@ -75,10 +75,12 @@ void MsgWindow::message( int severity, const char *text, msgw_ePop pop, pwr_tOid
if ( default_window) {
if ( severity == 'O')
severity = 'I';
default_window->insert( severity, text, oid, is_plc);
else {
if ( hide_info && severity == 'I')
if ( (hide_info && severity == 'I') || severity == 'O')
if ( severity == 'E' || severity == 'W' || severity == 'F' || severity == 'I')
printf( "%c %s\n", severity, text);
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