Commit 4d8d02a1 authored by Marcus Nordenberg's avatar Marcus Nordenberg

profinet configurator: fix some memory leaks and other memory issues

parent ed36bc73
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -282,7 +282,10 @@ void GsdmlAttr::activate_cmd_ca()
GsdmlAttr::~GsdmlAttr() {}
GsdmlAttr::~GsdmlAttr() {
if (wow)
delete wow;
GsdmlAttr::GsdmlAttr(void* a_parent_ctx, void* a_object, pn_gsdml* a_gsdml,
int a_edit_mode, const char* a_data_filename)
......@@ -1471,13 +1471,21 @@ int GsdmlAttrNav::save(const char* filename)
//Make sure we null terminate these in case our buffer is too small to accomodate the entire diag name string.
cd->name[sizeof(cd->name) - 1] = '\0';
if (gsdml->ApplicationProcess->ChannelDiagList->ChannelDiagItem[i]
//Make sure we null terminate these in case our buffer is too small to accomodate the entire help string.
cd->help[sizeof(cd->help) - 1] = '\0';
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ GsdmlSlotData* GsdmlDeviceData::paste_slotdata = 0;
GsdmlChannelDiag::GsdmlChannelDiag() : error_type(0)
strcpy(name, "");
strcpy(help, "");
memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));
memset(help, 0, sizeof(help));
int GsdmlChannelDiag::print(std::ofstream& fp)
......@@ -89,9 +89,18 @@ GsdmlDataRecord::GsdmlDataRecord(const GsdmlDataRecord& x)
int GsdmlDataRecord::print(std::ofstream& fp, bool reverse_endianess)
char str[1024];
unsigned char* data;
unsigned char* data =
(reverse_endianess ? this->data_reversed_endianess : this->data);
// If we have allocated memory for reversed endianess we come from the pn configurator otherwise we use the data as is.
// The method SetIoDeviceData for instance reads the raw data and then recreates the pn configuration file.
if (data_reversed_endianess)
data = (reverse_endianess ? this->data_reversed_endianess : this->data);
data = this->data;
co_xml_parser::data_to_ostring(data, data_length, str, sizeof(str));
......@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ public:
if (data)
if (data_reversed_endianess)
GsdmlDataRecord(const GsdmlDataRecord& x);
......@@ -170,7 +172,7 @@ public:
unsigned short error_type;
char name[200];
char help[256];
char help[4096]; // We need a large buffer for most of the help text in the diagnostics...
int print(std::ofstream& fp);
......@@ -208,7 +210,10 @@ public:
static GsdmlSlotData* paste_slotdata;
std::vector<GsdmlChannelDiag*> channel_diag;
~GsdmlDeviceData() { device_reset(); }
~GsdmlDeviceData() {
void device_reset()
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < slot_data.size(); i++)
......@@ -229,7 +229,10 @@ static pwr_tStatus GetIoDeviceData(pwr_tAttrRef Object, const char* Attr,
GsdmlDeviceData* data = new GsdmlDeviceData();
sts = data->read(datafile);
if (EVEN(sts))
delete data;
return sts;
sts = data->get_value(Attr, Buf, BufSize);
......@@ -250,7 +253,10 @@ static pwr_tStatus SetIoDeviceData(pwr_tAttrRef Object, const char* Attr,
GsdmlDeviceData* data = new GsdmlDeviceData();
sts = data->read(datafile);
if (EVEN(sts))
delete data;
return sts;
sts = data->modify_value(Attr, Value);
if (ODD(sts))
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