Commit 71a7646f authored by claes's avatar claes

New build-howto

parent b86e97dc
A guide on how to build Proview
Written by: Robert Karlsson
1. Setting up the environment
The first thing to do is to set up your environment properly. Add the
following lines to .bashrc:
# Where /home/robert/x4-1-3 is replaced with wherever you unpacked the sources.
export pwre_bin="/home/robert/x4-1-3/pwr/src/tools/pwre/src/os_linux"
export pwre_dir_symbols="$pwre_bin/"
source $pwre_bin/pwre_function
export pwre_env_db="/home/robert/pwre_new"
The following libraries (devel and runtime) are needed to build Proview:
Imlib (v1.9.14 recommended)
Berkeley DB (>= v4.0, recommended v4.3)
antlr (v2.7.5 recommended )
openmotif (v2.2.3 recommended)
alsa (>= 0.9.8, recommended v1.0.6)
2. Creating the environment
Creating and handling your environment is done with the pwre-function (added
by sourcing $pwre_bin/pwre_function).
> pwre
shows all possibilites with the pwre function.
Add environment named 'x413x86' (choose any name you like).
> pwre add x413x86
Source root [...] ? /home/robert/x4-1-3/pwr/src (where /home/robert/x4-1-3 is
replaced with wherever you unpacked the sources)
Build root [...] ? /home/robert/pwr/x4-1-3/rls_dbg (choose typically .../pwr/version/rls_dbg)
Build type [dbg] ?
OS [linux] ?
Hardware [x86] ?
Description ? robert's environment (whatever...)
list all exsiting environments:
> pwre list
-- Defined environments:
Initiate your new environment:
> pwre init x413x86
Now, create the build tree
> pwre create_all_modules
Finally the environment is set up and we can start the build procedure.
3. Building Proview
To build Proview from scratch
> pwre build_all_modules
This will build everything and also produces some documentation.
Otherwise Proview is divided in several modules which can be built
separately. The modules are however not independant of eachother.
The modules currently consists of:
abb, bcomp, inor, java, klocknermoeller, nmps, othermanu, profibus, remote,
siemens, ssabox, telemecanique, tlog, wb and xtt.
On top of this there is also a kernel-module under directory src on the top level.
To "move" between the different modules
> pwre module wb (for example)
To "move" back to kernel module just do:
> pwre module
To build all in current module
> pwre build_all
To build parts of current module (for example lib rt in kernel module)
> pwre build lib rt all (command syntax build 'branch' 'subbranch' ['pahse'])
Each of the modules have their own build tree. When finished your work in a
specific module this must be merged to the common build tree. This is done
> pwre merge
Some important environment variables:
$pwre_croot The source root
$pwre_sroot Source root in current module
$pwre_broot The build root
$pwr_exe The common exe directory in build tree
$pwr_lib The common library directory in build tree
$pwr_obj The common object directory in build tree
$pwr_eexe The exe directory for current module
$pwr_elib The library directory for current module
4. Start using Proview
When finished building it is time to start using Proview. This intention of
this guide is not to show you how. Instead please refer to documentation from
the proview homepage []. There are though some final things you
must set up to be able to work with Proview.
Create directory :
This is the place that will keeps track of your projects and volumes aswell as
the different Proview-versions you have installed. If you already have a
Proview-version installed then this directory probably exists.
Copy some files to this directory (if they do not already exist)
> cp $pwre_croot/src/tools/pkg/deb/adm/pwr_* /usr/pwrp/adm/db/.
Create a file name pwr_projectlist.dat in this directory and add the following
line to this file:
%base X4.1.3 /home/robert/pwr/X4-1-3/rls_dbg
where the path is your build-root ($pwre_broot).
Add the following two lines to your .bashrc-file:
export pwra_db="/usr/pwrp/adm/db"
source $pwra_db/
Voila, finished !
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